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leather dreams | chapter seventeen

leather dreams | chapter seventeen___

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Monday came too soon for the teenage girl. Her heart was still healing from the heartbreak she felt during the weekend. It was time to put it all behind, plaster a smile on her face and go to school.

She had ignored Michelle and Mary Jane for two days straight, so she was not surprised to find them by her locker that morning.

"Morning." Rosalie said, keeping her voice as normal as she could. She opened her locker and grabbed the books she needed for her first class.

She could feel their eyes on her back the entire time. Deciding to ignore those and pretend all was right, she closed her locker with a loud bang and turned to her friends, smiling.

Neither smiled back at the blonde. They merely stared at her with cold eyes and arms crossed in front of their chests. Rosalie knew they wanted to talk about it.

"What?" The girl asked her fuming friends in an unfriendly tone, her patience already running low. "What could you possibly be mad about?"

Both Mary Jane and Michelle looked taken aback by Rosalie's tone. The girls had planned on talking to her about how she ignored their calls and texts during the entire weekend. Upon looking at the bags under the blonde's eyes, they got the feeling that something wasn't right.

"You ignored us for two days." Michelle was the first to speak, clearly not impressed by her friend's actions. "You went on a date -your first date, to be precise- and didn't call us after-"

"The date didn't happen." Rosalie's voice was low and disappointed. "Peter never came."

The blonde teenager lowered and shook her head, willing her tears to stop burning her eyes. She wasn't going to cry in front of her friends, it wasn't worth it. Her friends didn't need to watch her cry or feel the need to comfort her. She didn't need that either, she needed to put it all behind her back and move on with her life.

Move on from her stupid feelings for Peter Parker.

"And before you ask, I'm fine. Over it. I just don't want to talk about it."

She walked at a fast pace to her first class of the day. Unfortunately for her, it was the only class she sat by Peter's side. It was also the class they shared with the senior class, where she only knew Peter and a couple of other people.

Leaving her friends behind, she didn't care if they followed her or not. It had been a difficult weekend, hiding under her sheets and ignoring the outside world until it was time to face it all.

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