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leather dreams | chapter nine

leather dreams | chapter nine___

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Rosalie felt the doctor's hands tighten around her swollen knee and she squeezed the armrest with her own. She closed her eyes and swore under her breath, slowly letting out the air she was holding.

"I have good news for you, Miss Evans." The doctor smiled, her pearly white teeth making Rosalie want to smack them into oblivion. "Your knee is not broken but it needs some rest. You must use these crutches and don't apply pressure to your leg for at least a week."

The girl was actually glad that her knee wasn't broken. She would have to walk around in crutches but it wasn't the end of the world. And she would have to come up with an excuse to give to her friends.

The bathroom scenario was becoming more appealing as the minutes went by.

"Let me just give you some pain killers and you're all ready to go." The doctor went to the back room and Rosalie stood from the examining chair.

The crutches were heavy in the petite girl's hands. She felt her body crumble downwards, and her hands gripped around the handles.

"It's going to take a while to get used to the crutches, but I'm sure you'll master them in no time." The doctor came back from the back room with a small bag, and Rosalie deduced that it was filled with medication. "Take these tablets four times a day. If those don't work to relieve the pain, I put these drops in the bag as well. Mix six drops in a cup with water and take them as many times as necessary."

Rosalie nodded, wanting nothing but to leave the depressing room and go back home. The doctor nodded and gave her a tight smile as she clumsily walked to the door, still getting used to the crutches.

Nat called her name when she left the doctor's office, and she noticed her tired face and Tony's red eyes. The pair stood outside the room in front of hers, where she knew Rhodey was getting examined. She had walked by that room on her way to her doctor's appointment and felt the apprehension coming from it.

The three walked along the corridor and stopped by a window, noticing how it had a balcony attached to it. The girl was the first to lean against the balcony's railing, looking towards a row of trees.

"How is he?" Rosalie asked, her eyes still focused on the trees. "Is it bad?"

"The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis."

Silence fell upon the trio, every single one of them feeling overwhelming guilt inside them. Rosalie felt guilty because she knew she could have done more. Maybe she could have prevented Rhodey's accident if she wasn't so slow and didn't get hurt by Bucky Barnes.

leather dreams |p. parker ✔Where stories live. Discover now