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leather dreams | chapter one

leather dreams | chapter one___

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It had been seven years since the battle of New York, and the world was already used to the idea of a superior being protecting them from danger. The Avengers and their sightings were also becoming a norm, and not an exception.

Rosalie Evans sat on her sofa, staring at the television without blinking and completely focused on every word the news anchor said. News related to something called "The Accords" and a rivalry between Iron Man and Captain America were being broadcasted all around the world, everyone hanging on the edge of their seats.

Although the young girl was clearly enticed by the news, the remaining Evans seemed unaffected by the events, her parents moving around the house in search for their travelling bags and suitcases. Being the top two scientists of the United States, Marcus and Lilian Evans didn't have time to worry about their daughter. It didn't mean that they didn't love her, it simply meant that their jobs came first.

Science always came first, not Rosalie and her problems. The girl was already used to it.

"Don't forget to water the plants and feed Niki." Her mother took her eyes off of her phone and smiled at the girl. "We'll be back in two weeks, you won't even notice we're gone."

While she nodded her head at her mother's words, she didn't take her eyes off the tv. Rosalie knew her mother was already focused on something entirely different, quickly switching her attention from her teenager daughter to business-related topics.

"What about my internship?" Rosalie inquired, lowering the volume of the tv. "Dad was my ride to and from the Tower."

Before her mother could reply, her father entered the living room with two suitcases behind him and a tired smile on his face. Both Lilian and Marcus had greying blonde hair and bright eyes, features their daughter inherited. While Rosalie's eyes were vibrant with life, her parents' ones were tired, losing their spark over the years.

"Our ride is here, honey." Marcus said to his wife, earning a sigh from his daughter. "Don't worry, we'll be back soon."

"That's what you always say." Rosalie whispered under her breath, smiling at her family when they opened their arms to hug her.

The hug felt warm and Rosalie couldn't help but squeeze her parents between her arms. She knew they would come back soon, but two weeks seemed like an eternity for her.

All she wanted was her parents back, she wanted her old life back. A life she used to have, just before her parents made a deal with Tony Stark and became science researchers for his company. They were always shipped away in business trips and conferences all around the world.

For six years, Rosalie couldn't remember the last time her father had helped her with homework, or the last time her mother had read her a bedtime story. She could picture herself laying in bed, a tiny teddy bear in her grip, being read to by her loving parents. But Rosalie knew that it was all in her head, her imagination playing tricks on her.

"We really have to go." Her father said, interrupting her sad train of thought. "Your mother and I will try to call you once we arrive."

"Alright." Rosalie nodded and patiently watched her parents leave, once again, without a glance behind at their daughter.

Once the door to their apartment closed, Rosalie left for her bedroom, ignoring her cat's plea for attention. It was already late in the night, so the girl decided to head to her bed and get some beauty sleep. She knew she needed it, due to her constant nightmares. Her sleep was rarely pacific, her mind attacker by her worst fears almost every night, but st least she could rest her body.

"Come on, Niki." Rosalie motioned for her cat to lay on the bed with her. "Let's go to sleep."

While the cat followed her owners command and silently rested on the bed, the girl stayed awake and listened to the animal's soft purrs. She ran her fingers through her soft hair, dreading the moment her eyes closed. She knew what was to come.

Yet, her body compelled her to close her eyes, lay her head back and sleep. Fighting the urge to sleep, the blonde grabbed her phone from the floor and replied to a few of her friends' texts. One of them was from the cute boy next door, Adam, who became Rosalie's crush as soon as he moved there the year before. He quickly became friends with his new neighbor and her troupe of friends, Mary Jane and Michelle, all of the attending the same school.

She smiled at her phone as the boy in question asked her about their Physics homework. She had worked hard on that specific homework, as the teacher had been very skeptic about the class' commitment to his subject. It had taken her five long hours to finish those two tiny questions, and by the time she had finished them she was exhausted and ready for bed.

Suddenly, her phone rang and she jumped on the bed startling her poor cat. Mumbling an apology, Rosalie picked up the call after checking who the caller was.

"Are you ready for detention tomorrow?" Michelle's voice echoed around Rosalie's head, and the blonde grunted in annoyance.

She didn't like to be reminded of her errors, and being caught "dealing with" Flash Thompson the day before was not one of her best moments. She did it for a great cause but it costed her a lot. At least she was glad her parents weren't there to witness her shame, or else she would be dead by morning.

It wasn't a complicated situation, Rosalie was only trying to protect her friends. The worst part was that Flash Thompson -the school's official bully and a total idiot- has been flirting with her best friend right in front of her salad during lunch before running off to bully Peter Parker and his friend Ned Leeds.

Bullying was something she did not tolerate. In fact, she hated Flash for being mean to her friends and then pretending to be the best person in the world. So she did the most rational thing she could think of at the time.

Rosalie Evans punched Flash in the face and spilled her entire cappuccino down his head. Most of the students surrounding them at the time cheered for the blond hero, thankful for her act of vengeance towards the one person who mistreated every one of them daily. The only problem was that the Principal decided to take an early stroll around the halls and witnessed the entire situation.

Needless to say, the girl ended up in his office and with a three day detention schedule after school. This meant she couldn't attend the entirety of her internship with Tony Stark. She'd have to be late and miss the first hour of it, probably missing all the good stuff.

"Hello? Earth is calling, Rose. They want you back on track."

Rosalie shook her head and focused on the conversation with her friend. The two girls talked for at least two hours before the blonde's eyes started to drop and her voice went mute. They ended up falling asleep during the phone call, Michele being conscious enough to end it at some point.

Rosalie felt her body float on her bed, the soft sheets caressing her tired body. For a few minutes, she felt as if heaven was really a place on earth, more specifically right there on her bed.

But, as all good things must come to an end, the nightmares restarted, slowly reaching for the last string of comfort in her.

And that night, they were worse than she could ever imagine.

chapter one is finally out! i know it's a little boring, but i wanted to introduce some characters and present some background as well. i'm keeping the chapters short, like 1200/1500 words each. what do you think?
don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter! (:

leather dreams |p. parker ✔Where stories live. Discover now