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Authors note: PLEASE READ! 

Hi friends...well this story is soon coming to an end. It's sad I know, but please do me the favor and comment! I would love to hear what you guys think :3 

But if it's negative nancy who wants to comment then please...get out of ma comment section woman!

recommended song: Angel by FINNEAS

Y/N point of view

A small giggle escaped my lips at his small little act. My dear, I promise you...This time I will save you. He nodded in response. Kai was furious, to say the least. His jaw was clenched and he held me even tighter. He may have the body of who I love, but he looks like a smashed potato compared to Jimins soul. Now, he was truly beautiful. A blue mist followed him around as he flowed closer to the boundary. His whole being lightened up the whole bubble of darkness, that kept our two worlds apart. It was just like people describe it, the eyes are really the window to our soul. Here it is, here he is, in all his glory. The twinkle that used to possess the shell that is holding me, its right here...

right here in front of me, the essence of him. 

I looked down to see an ocean of mist. Eventually, a small muffled scream or two would come out from the mist. I needed to do something NOW. So I did the first thing that crossed my mind.

I elbowed Kai and jumped towards Jimin. He opened his ghostly see-through mouth, but no sound came out. Kai tried to grab me, but something stopped him from grabbing me. Something stopped me from falling. Right there between Kai and I was a beautiful woman. She had some kind of golden aura around her. Her feet were nowhere to be seen, but they were covered up by a large skirt. It looked as if the very stars had been sewn into her dress. 

Kai's mouth was open in awe. She turned around to face Kai. His eyes were a mix of water and damp. "y-you...A-adeline" that was all he could get out. She looked very disappointed and shook her head lightly. "After all, I gave up for you to find peace...You instead sought Kaos..." She let out a deep breath and pointed her hand in the direction of Jimin. He flew up through the barrier, placing himself close to me. She let go of me. Jimin now held me. A cold shiver went down my spine. It felt as if I was laying on the air. 

The golden woman turned completely around and stood right in front of Kai. 

Adeline point of view

My whole soul arched at the mere sight of your actions. I was so disappointed. You were crying, but it wasn't your tears. They belonged to someone else. "Is this what you have become? a thief? I never imagined that the one to disturb my peace would be you...Oh how I've waited for you to pass, but you never did" You finally spoke up from beneath your tears. "I tried okay I TRIED, but I could never find peace! my soul arched from the need of your presence. I thought that I had found a way for us to reunite, but I was fooled" It made me even madder. "You're not reuniting are trying to steal somebody else's happiness to replace what was once stolen from us!" I raised my voice out of frustration.

 You looked at me wide-eyed. "Look, I know this is wrong...but what else can I do? I messed up okay, I FUCKED IT ALL UP!!" you screamed, it echoed out into nothing. I flew closer and cupped your face. a few golden drops ran down my ghosty cheek. "My love, my dearest little firefly, It is time for us both to move on. We don't belong down there anymore, and you don't belong in there either. Now please come out? let me see the face of the man I truly do love, and who I died for..." 

I closed my eyes and waited for his response. A warm pair of hands touched my misty face. I looked up and saw you. The golde liquid ran uncontrollably down my cheeks. I hugged you tight for the first time in centuries. You span me around and hugged me even tighter. I placed my hand on your left cheek to admire you. Your soul was covered in dark dust, but the core and the rest of you were shining like a newly lit bonfire. You tenderly pressed your lips against mine. The sensation was quite new, considering that we were both in or most vulnerable state of being. 

"Now, we need to fix a couple of things before we pass over" I softly spoke. I had used my 2 last soul wishes to save him. I only had one left. 

One left for the court. 

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