Chapter 17-the plan

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Y/N point of view

None of them answered me when I asked them about their "Tasks". Both of them just stared at me. I waved my hand in front of them, but no response. It was starting to creep me out. The silence that ruled was suffocating me. I was just sitting there fidgeting with my hands. The thick silence was interrupted when he abruptly stood up. "GET THE HELL OUUUT!" He was sweating and panting like a scared animal. Both of his eyes had turned a poisonous yellow. Both of his hands were pulling his hair. I could only watch as he violently, got down on his knees. He screamed and everything went quiet.

I was shocked, what the heck just happened?

He was shaking. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Jimin, are you okay?"

Before I could react he was laying on top me, staring me down with those poisonous eyes. He darkly chuckled before moving closer to my ear. His hot breath hit my sensitive ear making me gasp. "guess again sweetie" I could feel him smirking behind my ear. "K-kai?" He pulled away and looked me right in the eyes. There was something about that deep yellow color that was kind of mesmerizing. "He's not coming back this time sweetie" His husky voice almost made me forget the meaning of his sentence.

I tried to snap out of it, but there was something holding me back. "What do you mean, and what have you done to me?" I tried to say it out loud but it only came out as a weak whisper. "As long as I'm in this body you can't do anything to harm to me. You will obey me though, I still don't get why he didn't use his powers when he was in charge. He must have had a lot of self-control, don't' you think?"

I felt so weak. I couldn't refuse his touch and I couldn't even yell at him! The thing that annoyed me, even more, was that I liked his touch.

It felt like Jimin, but...It wasn't.

"Please, let me go" He leaned in further whispering"Oh, honey don't be scared I will take you to him if you'd like?" My breath hitched when he brushed a few strands of hair out of my face. "Now now, shall we have a look at how Jimin's doing?" He quickly got off of me and helped me up. I was scared, I couldn't control myself at the moment at all! He eyed me up and down before hugging me tightly.

"get ready"

Before I could scream hot flames consumed us and everything went black.

Author's note:

Hey guys! I'm back! (like I always say in every author's note) Please leave a comment down below on what you think is gonna happen to Jimin! ;)

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