Chapter 10- Consequenses

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Kai point of view

I forced his eyes open and mentally slapped him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" He whined. My temper was slowly getting the best of me. "I slapped you of course! You need to focus, if you don't focus, and just close your eyes, then how the hell am I going to hit the target?!" I took a deep breath, it's been quite some time since I last tasted, the sweet life-giving air. It felt nice to have a physical form again.

Even though it wasn't completely mine


"Just do it quick" He pulled me out of my thoughts, by using our "shared" physical voice. I looked down at the beautiful flames, resting in our right hand.

"Yeah yeah" I turned my focus against the target. She looked so scared and innocent, pinned up against the brick wall. Her eyes told the story of a broken heart.

but it wasn't her story.

I gritted my teeth in anger. I could feel the heated power running through our veins. "Hey what's wrong, why are you getting so worked up?" I almost forgot that I wasn't alone for a moment. "nothing" I needed to focus.

I pointed my gritted fist in the woman's direction. The light from our firey fist lit up her face. "It's over" the moment, the fire left our hand,

he closed our eyes.

A piercing scream cut through the peaceful night. There was nothing left. It was as if the woman, with the sad eyes, had never existed. " Go rest, Jimin" I decided to take over completely, he needed to relax. When the first daylight would show, it would be my turn to rest. "Yeah, thanks..." I could feel him turn unconscious. The moonlight surpassed the weak light bulb in the dark alley. The cold night air hit my face. I pulled my hood up and walked towards the dark streets.

A large crash made me turn around. Somebody had accidentally overturned a trashcan. It was a girl. She tried to push the heavy trashcan off of her.

Realisation washed over me, did she see?

I slowly walked closer to her. She looked up and saw me approaching. She desperately kicked the trashcan off and ran. I smirked, as I disappeared into the shadows.

"Nice try"

She ran until she faced a dead end. My laugh echoed, throughout the shadows where I was hiding. She was freaking out. Her back was facing the dead end. This was too good to be true. I stepped out of the shadows right behind her. I giggled a little bit, she was just like a confused dog. She turned around, and her eyes met mine. Everything stopped moving in that moment. Old feelings, I thought I had buried a long time ago, came back. It was overwhelming, to feel this way again after she...

My heartbeat increased and my sight became blurry. I shook my head and bit my lip. "never again" She looked at me with fright.

"How much did you see?"

She closed her eyes and started walking towards me. With every step, my heart became more and more wild. Along with that, old sorrow found it's way to torture me once again.

I was starting to tremble, It was too much

The sorrow, the memory.

She put her arms around my waist and whispered


Authors note:

Hey guys, here you go an early update ;) I really hope you enjoyed it. Please vote, follow and comment! I love it when you guys comment it makes me so happy to see what you think :3

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