Chapter 11-Deceived

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Y/N point of view

I embraced him despite the fear that ruled in every fiber of my body. He didn't move one bit. It felt as if I was hugging a statue. The only difference I could find at that moment was the heat he was radiating.  We were just standing there, in the dark alley, hugging one another. I gathered all of my courage and decided to speak. 

"Jimin?" I turned my head to look at him. The eyes that met mine, were the eyes of a complete stranger. They were dark and somehow, sad. He was just standing there, looking at me. I quickly pulled away. He blinked a few times before shaking his head. 

"W-why did you kill that woman?" my words echoed through the dark alley. Tension quickly filled the air. His now powerful gaze was freaking me out. 

 "So...I guess you saw that huh?" His voice was so cold. 

His eyes never left mine when he stepped closer. Our noses were only inches away from touching. The darkness his eyes contained was overwhelming. As I got lost in the beautiful darkness they contained, I saw a small spark. 

"W-what's wrong with you?"  I took a step back. His eyes never left mine as he came closer. He leaned down to my ear and whispered. "I have never been better sweetheart" His weirdly hot breath made me flinch. I Jumped back in fear, which caused him to release a wicked laugh. "You really are something, interrupting me doing work hours" He ran his hand through his hair, slightly pouting his lips. 

"Oh well, what to do...what to do" he mumbled. Every single muscle in my body was begging me to run away. I was literally just standing there unsure about what to do myself. I had this weird feeling inside my chest, It demanded me to stay.  He lifted my chin up to face him. I closed my eyes to avoid his look of darkness. Thoughts about the little glimpse of light from earlier crossed my mind. Out of pure curiosity, I slowly opened my eyes.

 His gaze was much softer this time, almost vulnerable. He suddenly cupped my face with his hands. His mouth was slightly open in awe. He carefully studied my facial features. After what felt like forever, he suddenly stepped back. His eyes almost disappeared in a big eye smile. 

He was back.

 I ran towards him full speed and threw myself into his safe embrace. He responded with a tight hug. I suddenly felt safe again. 

  "never, do whatever that was again" I sniffled into his chest. He leaned down close to my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck.   

"Don't be fooled so easily, sweetheart"

Author's note:

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here you go her first encounter with Kai :3

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Love ya :3!

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