chapter fourteen; bath time

Start from the beginning

She was unable to understand anything coming from his mouth as he was talking far too fast and frantic for her, the only things she was able to pick up upon being him scolding her and worrying about her arm.

If she was being honest the once intense pain had already dulled to a slight throb, the bandages working well in covering the stitches protectively.

"Smokescreen," Torryn cut the mech off sharply as his bright optics bore into her worriedly, the girl surprised as she had never been so close to his helm. One inch forward and she would be touching his face. "I am fine, I promise." She laughed a bit, Smokescreen still making no move away from her despite him practically being on top of her at this point.

His digit was also still splayed across her back.

"I was so worried about you," The mech mumbled sourly, ex-venting in a final relief that his charge was exactly how he remembered her from five days prior. "And I missed you," He mumbled in a soft tone causing Torryn's eyes to soften and (weirdly) her heart rate to speed up.

She had missed him too. Way more than she was ever willing to admit.

Torryn was confused by the way the mech was able to bring forth reactions that Torryn had never had before. Not even her ex-boyfriend (not that she was with him for long) was able to implicit these feelings out of her. But here was Smokescreen barely even trying and he had her heart thudding.

"God, you are such a big teddy bear, Smokey." Torryn playfully said while trying to keep her cheeks from turning red, she hated this flustered feeling.

Jesus Christ, what was happening to her.

Why did Smokescreen suddenly feel warmer? Why did the sight of Torryn make him feel mushy inside and make his spark fly?

This could not be happening. There was no way in the name of Primus that Smokescreen could actually be... no, he couldn't, but could he? Was he truly falling for a fleshy?

He had only ever had this feeling one other time, and even then it was not this strong. It was a simple attraction to a femme who was with him in the academy (he could not even remember her name now), but after he "graduated" he never saw her again and the crush disappeared.

But this? Dear Primus, what would the team say if they ever found out? This was so unprofessional, she had barely been his charge for three weeks and here he was beginning to fall for her. By the Allspark, help him.

Shaking his helm, Smokescreen kept his optics planted on Torryn, making sure his helm did not tint blue. "You live like five minutes away from the base and you let me drive all the way back to the school?" He said in exasperation causing Torryn to shrug.

"And where are your parents? Please don't tell me they're home." Smokescreen prayed to the Allspark he did not transform while her parents were home.

Knowing she could not say they were at work as Smokescreen would know she's lying since he never saw her "parents" leave that day decided on a more believable route.

   "Business trip," she shrugged.

It was not exactly a lie, her father was technically on a business trip for a still undecided amount of time and her mother... well her mother was on a business trip in the sky.

Slowly, Smokescreen got to his pedes leaving Torryn's personal space (the girl secretly wished he would have stayed that close). The young mech narrowed his eyes suspiciously sensing that optics was off with the way Torryn said her parents were on a business trip. In fact, since he had gotten to know her better, he could not shake the feeling that something totally off about her and everything she told him about herself; he was just not quite sure what yet.

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