Chapter 50: A Step Closer

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"Patrick! Patrick! Patrick!" I yell as I jump on our bed like a 3 year old. Yes, our bed, our penthouse. We moved in 4 days after the new year. The penthouse was huge! There where so many rooms and huge windows. The place was so spacious and probably 3 times bigger than the old place. The building was better too with an amazing workout room, pool, restaurant and movie room. I even had my own walk in closet and so did Patrick. The place was costing us 1.7 million but to Patrick that was nothing. I help pay the rent but I don't contribute as much as Pat does, being I don't make as much money as he does. But let me tell you, it's weird as fuck living two floors above Jonathan. Pat and Jon have become inseparable and I'm starting to third wheel.

"What babe" he mumbled

"Don't what babe me! We have the doctors visit today, your gonna be cleared to return to the ice!" I practically shout.

"Alright I'm getting up, can you make coffee?"

"Already did, black just like you like it"

"You're the best" he smiles

"I know, now get up!"

I leave the room and head to the kitchen to finish up my own breakfast. The front foot swings open and in comes Jonathan, what a surprise.

"Hey hey" he says

"Since when the fuck did you get the key?" I laugh

"Patrick gave it to me" I roll my eyes at him "Is he up yet? The doctors appointment is today"

"I know, he's been a little bummed since he missed out on the winter classic" Yes, Pat missed the winter classic. We didn't travel with the team either being that they left at 3 in the morning that night. Pat refused to even watch the damn game. "He didn't miss much, we won 3-1 anyway"

"I know but he was mad he didn't get to play" I sigh.

"You peaks hurry the fuck up!" yells Jonathan. Just than Patrick emerges from the bedroom wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

''Ready to go?" I ask

"Let's go get cleared to play hockey!" he yells "Jon are you coming?" I ask

"I cant, I have morning skate, I just wanted to wish Pat luck"

He than 'bro' hugs Patrick before leaving."Call me as soon as you leave the doctors!" Jon yells before closing the door. "lets go"

We get to the doctors office, Patrick was squeezing the shit out of my hand as we waited in the waiting room. I couldn't blame him, he was so nervous. "Patrick kane?" the nurse calls

"That's us" We follow the nurse to one of the rooms where we patiently wait for the doctor.

"Ah Mr.Kane" the doctor smiles as he enters the room. "Lets get some X-rays on that sucker and see if we can clear you to get on then ice" he laughs. I wait patiently in the room for Patrick and the doctor to return. Patrick returns but both him and the doctor are quiet. Pat sits next to me and squeezes my thigh as the doctor puts the X-rays up.

He stares at them for a little, causing Pat and I to sit in suspense.

"Everything is looking good"

"Am I cleared" Patrick jumped straight to the chase. The doctor looked at the X-ray one more time before pursing his lips. "You're.... Cleared!"

It was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders and I'm not gonna lie, I shed a tear. I jumped into Pat's arms, hugging him tightly.

"You do not have to come back here to see me, the Hawks medical staff will continue to over see you, it will be up to them to clear you to get back on the ice for games. I imagine it won't be for another month tho"

"I get to step on the ice!" Patrick rejoiced.


The next morning, yes the next morning, we where at the UC and hour before practice began. The other strength and conditioning coach, our skills coach, doctor and I where out on the ice waiting for Patrick. I had a hockey stick in my hand and my skates where going back and forth in nervousness as we waited for Patrick.

"I can't believe the kid is already cleared" said Doc

"He's been working really hard"

I had to say, I was over whelming proud of Pat. He's worked so hard on coming back from his injury. His first time back on the ice was breath taking for me. His skating where a little rough but his hands weren't, the stick handling was un effected. We didn't do any exercise, just skated and shot the puck until the Hawks practice started.

After when Patrick was standing in the hallway outside the locker room he got mobbed my the media. He didn't seem to mind so much, he missed it. They sat him down, shouting questions every which way.

"Patrick how great-full are you to be cleared to get back on the ice?"

"I am so great-full to be back home here at the UC. I owe everything to our assistant strength and conditioning coach Alyssa. I would have been cleared if it wasn't for her"

"Isn't that your girlfriend?" shouts another report.

"Yea" he smiles as he shakes his head at the ground "that's my girlfriend"





Crazy to think about it! I'm ending this book a little earlier than my Sid fanfic which was 60 something chapters. I don't feel I can go on with this book because it would all be boring filler chapters. But unlike my Sid fanfic, I will be writing a sequel! You'll get more information on it when I upload the last chapter which will be Later on this week because I don't wanna make you guys wait. Till than, much love -Alina❤️

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