Chapter 20: You Owe Me & Cheers To Sochi

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Normal people take the whole week off between Christmas and New Years, but not in the hockey world. I was up bright and early to head into the office, somehow this week I was going to ask Patrick to pretend to be my boyfriend. I didn't know how this was going to go and I was terribly nervous, I swear sometimes I was just an idiot.

I headed into the office, passing a few of the guys I ended up in my office. The faster I finished up all this work, the more time I would have to watch practice. I've been dealing with a lot of promotional stuff for all our soon to be Olympic players. That was another thing, at the Winter Classic they would be announcing the USA women's and men's hockey rosters. I had often dreamed about my name being called but that dream was over for me.

After I finished up work and morning skate wrapped up I sent a text to Patrick asking if would meet me at my apartment after the game tonight, he obliged. Later that night I was sitting in the kitchen in my sweats and a black tank top, my hair was pulled into a messy bun and I had my glasses on that I hated so much on. As I scrolled on my laptop there was a knock on the door, behind the door stood Patrick.

"Hey, what did you need?" He smiled

"I need a huge favor, come in" I said opening the door wider, Patrick followed me to the kitchen

"Water? Anything?"

"I'll take a water" I opened the fridge door and slid over a water bottle to Patrick. Than taking a seat on the uncomfortable sodden chair, I pulled my one leg up and took a deep breath.

"Listen, I'm an idiot first of all but over Christmas I did something stupid and I need your help to get me out of it"

"Anything Alyssa, you know I would help you"

"Okay well, I may have said some words to the asses of my brother in laws sisters"

"Oh god Alyssa what did you say?"

"I may have lied and said you were my boyfriend" There was an awkward silence as Patrick just stared at me

"And what now? You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?" He chuckled

"Yes" he than stopped laughing

"Oh, your serious"

"Pat you don't understand, I need you to help me with this"

He than sighed and rolled his eyes "when" he laughed

"Uh Monday because NYE is Tuesday"

"I'll come around 5, make something good" he said as he got up from the table

"Thank you so much" I said as I hugged him

"You owe me" he laughed "oh and wear your glasses more often" he chuckled "there cute" and with that he was gone.


I was slaving over the stove trying to make lasagna just like my mother use to make when the doorbell rang and swung open. Patrick was here an hour before Julie and Sophia would be here. He had jeans on with a grey tshirt, his hair was done all nice and his cologne lingered in the living room.

"Something smells good" he laughed as he walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks, I'm trying" I laughed as I hugged him

"Listen if were gonna make this believable we need to get some stuff straight, like how we met and stuff" I hadn't even thought of all that.

"Okay how about we met through work"

"Our first date was after a home game, I took you to that blackhawks restaurant"

"Okay, how did you ask me to be your girlfriend?"

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