Chapter 5: Flashing Lights

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I was up at 5 this morning and I don't know why. I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to get dressed and take a walk in Chicago. I put on my black combat boots with leggings, a sweater and my leather jacket. I waited at the bus stop around the corner and got on.

It was a quick ride into the city because it was only 10 minutes away. The bus smelled of coffee trying to keep these workers awake. The bus came to halt and I got off and began walking. The city was quiet and peaceful. The lights were still on and people were heading to their jobs. There was a slight breeze, it wasn't to hot nor to cold. I walked into this little coffee shop that was my favorite place to go. Not to many people new about it and it was a good place to sit and clear your head. I ordered a caramel mocha than sat at one of the tables and pulled out my phone. I had a few work emails that I could put off for a bit. After spending most of my time at the coffee shop I went shopping at some of the little stores. I picked up some cute bracelets and than came to one off the little parks.

I found a nice bench to sit on and decided I would call Patrick before heading out to the home.
It rang a couple times to Patrick finally answered
"Hello?" he mumbled
"Were you sleeping? I didn't mean to wake you"
"I gotta get up anyway. Oh and thanks for standing me up last night"
"I'm really sorry, my sister went into labor an hour before our date. I would've called but I left my phone in my car"
"Alright well I guess that's a good enough excuse"
"Well do you think we could try doing dinner again?"
"How about tonight?"
"Sounds great"
"I'll pick you up at 7"
"Alright see you than"

I put my phone in my purse and waited at the bus stop so I could head home and get ready. I got home and quickly changed. I grabbed black jeans, a peplum top and pink pumps to match the shirt. I made sure everything was ready than went to fix myself a snack. As I was sitting there sipping my drink I started feeling really down. My head was spinning and I just wanted to crawl into a ball and lie on the floor. That's when I realized I forgot to take my ant-depressant last night.

With Gabby having the baby it completely slipped my mind. I walked into my room and opened up the bottle and swallowed 2 pills. I really hope that I won't feel this way by the time Patrick came. I hung around the house waiting for the time to pass by. I found myself watching a documentary on a snowboarder named Mark McMorris. He was an olympic favorite for the upcoming Olympics and even tho I'm not Canadian he has my support.

Just as the movie ended there was a knock at the door. I opened it up and there was Patrick with his hair done up all nice and his hand behind his back.
"Hey come in, I gotta get my stuff" I opened up the door and let him in
"These are for you" he said while handing me the bouquet of roses he had been hiding behind his back.
"There so beautiful, thank you" I took them from him than placed them in a vase with water. I grabbed my stuff and we headed out to the car. Patrick kindly opened the door for me.
"You look really beautiful"
"You look very handsome, the color looks good on you"

The car ride was rather quiet with the some humming along of random songs. I was rather nervous because I didn't know what to expect out of this dinner with Patrick. As we were driving my phone kept buzzing and I tried to ignore it. Eventually I had to answer it because it wouldn't stop.
"I gotta take this, I'm sorry"
"Go ahead"

I clicked answer and herd a raspy voice.
"Alyssa" the other voice said
"Um who is this?"
"Babe it's me"
My face became surprised, who could this could be I thought
"I think you might have the wrong Alyssa"
"Babe I don't, remember the other night" the man said with a chuckle. That chuckle made me freeze, that moment I realized who it was. It was David.
"You've got the wrong number" I said while quickly hanging up.

"Are you okay?" Patrick asked as he pulled up to the restaurant
"I'm fine, thanks for asking"
We got out of the car and our arms entangled as we walked in.

A Little Drunk On Love (Patrick Kane Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang