Chapter 30: Concussed

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Patrick's POV

I look over at Alyssa's body that laid on the hospital bed. Her cheeks were no longer pink, a pale white replaced her body color. Her arm dangled over the bed as the IV pump worked. I sat and stared at her gorgeous hair that had been tied in a low pony tail so It fit under her hockey helmet.

The doctor walks in, clutching her clipboared.

"What did the results say?" I began to question her

"Mr.Kane, please calm down, I assure you Alyssa will be okay. She has a slight concussion, bright lights won't be the best for her for a couple of weeks"

"That's it?"

"Well, the hit was pretty hard and she has some swelling on her forehead and" she stops in the middle of the sentence

"And? and??"

"We are not completely sure but she might have a slight memory loss"

"Slight?" I begin to panic

"Mr.Kane it's nothing to worry, she'll remember big things it's just she might have lost memories of small things.. It will come back but you'll have to wait" With that the doctor checks her IV and leaves.

Alyssa begins to stir, she was waking up.

"Alyssa?" I softly say her name

"Pa-pat?" she mumbles, her eyes squint hard, she must be in so much pain

"What happened? Why does my head hurt to much?" she weeps

"You took a really hard hit from Kieth, you have a bit of a concussion but everything's going to be okay" I make my way to her bed and begin to rub her head.

"I'm so sorry Lyss"

"For what?" she mumbles

"For asking you to play, if I didn't you wouldn't-"

"Pat I'm so happy I got on the ice, I had" She stops mid sentence and falls back into a peaceful slumber.

Alyssa's POV

"That boy, he loves you" says my dad

"No, he's just a friend" I giggle

"Alyssa he hasn't left the hospital since last night"

"So?" The idea of Patrick being in love with me no longer scared me, the idea of me being in love with him scared me. "Why can't you see that?" questions my mother "if you only you never met David"

"Don't say that! I would've never met Patrick" I snap

"And you wouldn't have this concussion either" she presses right back

"It's only her second one, she'll be fine" smiles father

"Back on the subject of Patrick, you need to give him a chance, he rightfully deserves it"

"Whys that dad?" I question as I roll my eyes

"Oh honey, I watch you every day and from the moment you met him, it was just like you blossomed. You were no longer in your depressed world. You were happy and free, that's all I could want for my little girl"


"No Alyssa, you know it as much as I do, give the boy a chance"

"Dad, dad" I repeat but he and mother continue to fade away "please come back! Dad! Mom!"

I feel a sudden jolt on my arm, my eyes shoot open to see Patrick's crystal blue eyes looking down at me.

"Don't, dont" I whisper, still a bit stuck in my dream.

"Lyss it's okay, calm down" Patrick says

"What going on?" I refer to the two nurses siting on my bed side.

"Your gonna come home today" Patrick smiles, my bed than shifts into an up right position

"How, how long have I been here?"

"Just three days, your tests came back normal, you're fine"

"Why do you look so disheveled and tired?"

"That tiny chair doesn't make a good bed for a 200lb hockey player" he laughs than scratches the back of his neck

"You stayed here all this time?"

"Yay, I didn't want to leave you alone" he says shyly

"Thank you" I warmly smile.

The nurse removes the cords from my arm and helps me into a comfortable robe and some slippers. I than am seated onto a wheel chair, she begins rolling me into the elevator where Patrick follows. I get helped into his car and we make our way to the apartment complex. He gives me a hand as we get into the elevator but go past my floor.

"Why didn't you leave me at my place?"

"Your still weak, I can't leave you alone. The doctors told me you might have some dizziness, I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt again"

I take a seat on his sofa, he really did care. As I sit there I begin to get a headache, but this one really hurt. With in minutes my vision was blue, I couldn't hear. It felt as if someone was squeezing my head till it pops. I open my eyes to see Patrick placing a pill in my hand. I have to take this, I think to myself. I instantly swallow it and lay down on the sofa. Within minutes I hear again.

"They told me that's another side affect"

"It's fucking sucks" I say as I curl into a ball and hold my head.

Hours past, Patrick emerges from the guest bedroom with a pile of sheets. "it's all set up in there if you want to sleep" I nod, not having enough energy to speak. I watch as he throws the sheets into the hamper and heads to his room. I make my way to the guest bedroom where there are pjs laid out on a freshly made bed. I change into what I believe to be Patrick's sweatpants and tshirt. I crawl into the big bed, I had been here once before. The memory was so clear, it was the night I ran from David. The night I had a big gash above my eye, the night Patrick helped me. Vivid flashback flood my mind as I fall asleep.

2:00 am

"Ugh" I moan as I grab my head in pain, it was the pounding feeling again. I don't know where Patrick has placed my medications. I make my way to his room and wake him.

"Huh?" he mumbles with his face still in his pillow

"The pain-" I can't say another word before another rush of pounding comes over me and I can't speak. I fall to his bed, grasping my head I begin to cry.

"Shhh" Patrick says as he hands me another pill, I quickly swallow it and instantly fall asleep.

Patricks POV

The doctors said it would be like this the first few days, nothing but a pounding pain. She was so tired, so exhausted, I watched as quickly fell asleep in my bed. I gently move the covers over and pull her into my arms. She stirs but than instantly calms down as I rest my chin above her head, protecting her head in my neck. My arm wraps around her and I begin to fall asleep.


Told you guys I would update supper early for you! I'm writing I but different here if you couldn't tell, lmk if you like it or should I continue to write how I have? Anyways, next update will be tuesday, as always:)

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