Chapter 37: 3 words?

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Patrick was gone and I had time to myself. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed having time to myself in the place I grew up but I did miss Patrick. I hated waking up in the morning and him not greeting me in the kitchen and making jokes about my morning hair.

We did make it a point to call each other every night and FaceTime one in a while because I couldn't stay away from those blue eyes to long. Today my sister, niece and brother-in-law where coming to stay with me for the last 2 weeks I had here. As much as I loved California I couldn't wait to get back to Chicago and start the new hockey season.

I finished cleaning around the house when I got a snapchat from Pat. He was out on the lake with his sisters today. I find it funny because I've always got mixed feelings when it came to pat mostly because he never truly exposed his soft side to me but when he did I couldn't help but feel love towards him. Than the whole incident with the miscarriage, it took a big toll on our friendship. But now we're closer and I've seen the real genuine side of Pat. He helped me with hockey, and I swear, hockey can mend anything...even our friendship. I spend most of the time with my sister out visiting childhood places like my first ice rink and our old neighborhood. I even bumped into a few people.

"Babe I miss you" sighs Patrick into the phone

"I know... there's no one to make fun of" I chuckle

"I'm gonna go where going boating tomorrow"

"Okay Pat, night"

"Goodnight...." The line goes quiet but I can hear pat's breathing. It was almost as if he wanted to say something but he couldn't.




"Goodnight" he quickly hangs up.

Patrick's POV

"Im an idiot" I mumbled to myself. It was definitely way to early to tell Alyssa that I loved her. I told her that one time on the phone but I just don't know... It's been driving me insane that we've been apart. I've never been more excited to get to training camp.

Training Camp

Natalie, Alyssa's friend was suppose to come pick her up from the airport because I was 'busy', but that was lie. I wanted to surprised Lysa since we haven't seen each other in a few weeks. I sat outside the terminal and I swear the clock couldn't tick any slower as I waited to see her. I think time apart is amazing, it makes the heart grown fond and boy was I fond of Alyssa.

I couldn't wait to wrap my arms around her and surprise her by talking her out to dinner. The flight had just arrived and people were staring to come out of the terminal. I spotted Alyssa's hair and ran. I scooped her up in my arms from behind and I herd her gasp because she was scared.

"Patrick Timothy Kane if you ever do that again" she said as she slapped my arm, releasing herself from my arms.

"Thanks?" I mumble

"I'm sorry babe it's just you scared the ever living crap out of me" she said than kissed my cheek.

"That's all I get?" I smirk than begin twirling a strand of her hair in between my fingers.

"Don't push it pat" she giggles

"Where your-?"

"My sister? She got a later flight"


"And what happened to Natalie?"

"She was never really gonna come pick you up, I was"

"Your soooo sweet"

"Was that sarcasm?"

"Maybe" she smirks.

"Whatever lets get going, I have plans for tonight.....For us"

Alyssa's POV

Don't get me wrong I loved that Pat decided to surprise me but I have no clue what the hell I'm suppose to wear because I didn't know where we were going. I went through all my dresses and found this tight royal blue dress. Something about royal blue, I always leaned towards it. I slipped on the dress and it hugged my curves rather nicely and the gold belt around the waist helped with the allusion of an hour glass figure and also just looked nice. I paired the dress with gold studs, bangles and black pumps.

I went over to the mirror and looked at my hair which was swept to the side. I twirled the ends in between my fingers, I was in dire need of a hair cut. Just as I finished my makeup there was a knock on the door. There stood Pat in his black pants and shirt with a royal blue tie.

"Are we really going to be one of those corny couples who dress alike?" I chuckled as I check out his outfit

"Don't use my outfit as an excuse to check me out!" he laughs

"Where to?" I ask as we exit my apartment and head to the elevator

"Dinner" he says practically drooling as he looked me up and down

"Don't pop a boner" I joke at him

"eh to late" I blush in embarrassment as we wait for his car.

To sum up the night in one night word, amazing. Plane and simple, amazing. It was filled with laughter and smiles. It was nice to relax become training camp tomorrow, it was nice just to relax before the hectic hockey season.

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