Chapter 34: "Liney"

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And here we were, sitting at the edge of the pier. I held a pink cotton candy in my hand as Patrick and I's feet dangled off the edge, underneath was the calm waters making a lapping sound as they gently crashed onto the rocks.

"It's was sweet of you to bring your sisters" I say as I kick my feet back and forth
"I, don't wanna go home tomorrow" he sighs
"Hey I've got a surprise for you" I smirk
"What is it"
"I don't know if I should tell you" I giggle, he than snatches the cotton candy out my hand.
"Come on give it back" I squeal
"Tell me!"
"Okay, okay! We're going to California a week from today" I blush
"No way! Lyss you didn't have to!"
"We'll you took me to Buffalo, which is absolutely stunning so now you can come see California... And not worry about game 7 conference finals for a change" I laugh. Just than fireworks went off, a moment that was only dreamed in fairy tails was unfolding before my eyes.

I held the cotton candy in my hand and I watched as Patrick inched closer, i seemingly leaned in. Our lips collided and it felt as if fireworks were not only exploding in the sky but in my heart. Everything felt like it was falling together but somehow I knew it wasn't. I was so scared to fall in love again but somehow I had found myself crash landing for Patrick. He had climbed the walls of my heart and was breaking his way in. But what if I wasn't doing the same? I couldn't get hurt again, not again.

Patrick's POV

"Bye ma" I say as I hug her
"You better bring her back" she whispers in my ear
"I'm working on it" I smile
"I'm serious Pat! she's the only girl I've actually liked"
"I know ma" I rolled my eyes, she tells me this everyday.

"Hey Lyss ready to go?" I ask as she walks onto the porch
"Uh yea" she smiles "Car is all packed" Something's wrong and I can tell, her voice was shaky and nervous
"Are you okay?"
"Uh yea Pat, lets go"
Jess follows us to the car and were on our way back to Chicago.

"So this is the beautiful Califronia... without all the hockey madness" jokes Pat
"Yep come on we gotta get the rental" I laugh as I drag along my luggage and duffle bag

Once we get the rental car, a doorless jeep that just fit our luggage we were on our way to the house.
"Where are we staying?" questions Pat
"My house"
"Your house?"
"Yes I have a house" I giggle

I pull up to the faniler gates and large house.
"Wow the landscapers are doing a great job" I saw as I admire the property. Bricks were fixed, the grass no longer looked like a jungle and they repaired the garage door. I leave Patrick to get the luggage while I unlock the door. Most of the house was furnished, we just needed to go food shopping.
"So this is your house huh?" questions Pat as he drops the luggage in the living room.

"Yep it is, still need some work"
"It's nice tho" he smiles
"Hey it's already 6, wanna go grab dinner?" I question
"Yea but where?"
"I know a good restaurant but it's in Santa Monica"
"I'm up for the drive.. I wanna see the Hollywood sign before we leave"
"I promise we will... I've got a lot planned for you" I smile

We reach the restaurant, which is tiki themed. Our waiter was a sweet brunette in a grass skirt and bikini top. She walks over with two flower necklaces and drapes one around Patrick's neck than one around me.

Patrick's POV

Lyss laughs as I take a sip from a coconut for the first time. I make a really sorry face indicating that I didn't particularly like the taste.
"I knew you would like it" she laughs
"That was gross" I joke

I watch as she throws her head back laughing, her long brown hair flows down her back and her pearly whites flash as me. I can't help remember what her lips tasted like that night was shared a kiss at the pier. I had never seen Alyssa like this, she was so calm and relaxed. She was happy, genuinely happy.

Just than after I had finished half my steak and she ate her shush kabobs her face turned pale white out of no where.
"Alyssa are you okay?" I ask
"Uh yea I'm fine" she than stares down, hiding her face from someone. I look over to see a man with these glowing green eyes staring in our direction. His dark hair is pushed up and he was heading our way.

"A-Alyssa?" he stutters, his eyes narrowed on her
"Alex" she mumbles, so she did know this stranger
"Is that really you?"
"Yea" she says shyly, this time she stands up. Alex pulls her in for a hug but Alyssa doesn't hug back. I sit their awkwardly pushing my fork around my plate.
"Could we have a moment"
"Sure" I fakely smile than head off to the bathroom, giving them privacy

Alyssa's POV
I could recognize those green eyes anywhere, Alex. Everytning inside of me felt as if it were turning into knots. My skin instantly went pale, alarming Patrick.His glowing green eyes stare at me, he's grown so much.

His long brown hair is now cut and spiked, his arms now toned. He makes his way over to the table and I shyly look away. Patrick leaves, giving us time to talk. Alex begins talking me with questions but as he talks all I can think about is how he no longer had this spark in his eye and when he talked it wasn't enthusiastic.

"Alyssa everyone said you offed yourself after you moved" he sighed "but you're here"
"I didn't, I just needed to get out of California" I sigh
"Was that-"
"Patrick kane? yes" I chuckle
"This is gonna sound crazy but we're having an alumni game in a few days and since your here it wouldn't hurt to ask if you want to come play"
"I don't know"
"Think about it, I need my liney. Give me a call if you wanna talk more about it, my number hasn't changed. I don't wanna take up any time between you and Kane" He than left to his table and my mind swirled with thoughts of putting on that old jersey again.

A/n New chapters are going to be super interesting! My new book, More Than Meets The Eye, is out. Its a Tyler Seguin fanfic, I'll be updating it in about a week or so, I'm very excited :)

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