Chapter 3: You didnt realise?

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During the game Johnny dropped the whole Alyssa thing, I knew he would stop drama on the ice. After the game was a different story. He just kept giving a nasty face and was saying stuff to the other guys. Holy crap yes I've brought in some puck sluts but they don't even know Alyssa. Considering the fact I bumped into her on the street and offered her a place to say, I'm gonna go with she's not a puck slut. Johnny's gotten on me about it before and told me I'd be in big trouble for brining in another girl but Alyssa was different.

I had dropped her off at her house, well I'm assuming it's her house. But before I let her go I got her number just in case. I started driving back to my house when I got a phone call from Sharp saying I had to meet him at his house as soon as possible. I quickly headed there and as I walked through the front door I was immediately greeted by his dog than Abby.

"Hey Patrick"
"Hey Abby" I gave her a kiss on the cheek "Wheres the baby?"
"She went to sleep a while ago"
"Patrick wanted me here?"
"oh he told me to send you to the basement"
I headed down the hallway than opened the door to the basement. It was quiet, almost to quiet. I walked down to see Pat siting on the sofa watching game highlight.
"Alright I'm here"
"Come sit"
I was a bit weary as I made my way over. I sat on the seat across from him.
"What's so important that I have to be here this late at night?"
Just than Johnny came down the stairs and walked over by us.
"Why is here"
"Listen I don't care about the crap between you two, but we both have something serious to talk about"
"If it's about the girl at practice today you can cut the crap because I don't want to here it"
"It's important okay? You actually might wanna listen"

Just than Johnny joined in
"Why did you bring her to practice?"
"Holy shit I can't be nice?"
"Tazer stop, ask him what we really need to know"
"Ugh find how did you even meet her? We've never herd of her until you brought her to practice"
"I met her right after you left my house"
"Ha so what is she a prostitute?"
"She's not you douche"
"Alright so than how did you meet her"
I began to tell them the story of how she bumped into me and I brought her inside and so on and so on.
"Alright well than you might wanna sit for this part"
"I am siting stupid"
"But before we say anything have you ever met Alyssa before"
"Not that I can recall"
"Alright well recall this, 4 years ago at the hawks open practice"
"What about it?"
"Remember they put a thing together to pull out a fan from the practice to be equipment manager"
"How could I forget? That's when Johnny drove me to puck sluts" I shot him a glair
"Alright well do you remember the girl?"
"Yea she has beautiful eyes, wavy brown hair and her smile just lit up the room"
"And her name?"
"It was uh Alys- your kidding me right?"
"No stupid, wow you had the girl who you've been 'missing' for 4 years and you didn't even realize"
"I wasn't thinking, that's why she told me she had been to hawks game and than gave my phone a weird look when we were in the car. Shit she must think I'm crazy"

I pulled out my phone than showed them the lock screen of me and Alyssa.
"Well stupid you better go get her before she gets away again"
"Dude love you guys but I gotta go, I'll see you next practice"
Without another word I was running out of the house and to my car.
God this was my lucky brake, she was back and I didn't intend on loosing her.

Alyssa's POV
I woke up the next morning and quickly got changed into jeans, a sweater and my grey boots. I threw on so mascara and tied my hair in a bun. I grabbed my bag and grabbed the keys to my sisters car and drove down to the bagel store to grab some breakfast. I got a couple bagels for my sister than headed back to the house.
"Hey Lyss"
"Hey Jack, i got some breakfast"
"When did you get here?"
"I came late last night"
"Alright we'll let me get those bagels so I can toast mine"
Jack was my sisters husband, he was tall with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. Let me tell you, blue eyes are my weakness. I tell him all the time how much I love his eyes and he just laughs. I hope the baby has blue eyes, that would be the best.
Gabby finally came down stairs without any morning sickness which she seemed to always get.
"How are you feeling"
She placed her hand on her big stomach
"Could be better, didn't get much sleep"
"You and me both, come eat I got breakfast"
After breakfast I decided I would head back to the apartment because I know Natalie would be home at this time. I said goodbye to my sister and told her to call me if she needed anything. I got into the car and headed out.

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