Chapter 44: Give it up for me

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I was dreading today, the day I went back to work. Now it wasn't work itself that I was dreading, because I love my job. It was the fact that I had to leave Pat alone all day that was killing me. I got up early this morning, showered and got into my trainers suit. When I came into the kitchen Pat was lying on the sofa watching sports center.

"You know they don't play hockey on that channel" I chuckle

"Good, I don't want to see any" he mumbles

"Babe, you can't be depressed about it either" I say as I sit on the edge of the couch

"Well I am" he sighs "This brace is annoying as fuck" I place my hand on his chest.

"You need to calm down, all this stress isn't good for you" I than lean over and kiss his lips, he moves me so I'm sitting on his chest, our lips moving perfectly in sync. Pat gets hungrier and kisses harder. Half way through the kiss I realize that I'm going to be late for work and begin to pull away.

"Babe" Pat moans in annoyance

"I have work" I whine

"Whatever, your just gonna leave me here hard" he smirks. I quickly get off of him and kiss his forhead.

"Why don't you come than?"


"Yea come watch morning skate" I smile.

Patrick agreed to come, which of course made us run late trying to get his brace over his pants. I than had to get his nikes on since he can't bend to reach his feet. It was a long, stressful, process. We finally reach the rink, wobbling on his crutches, Pat heads to find a seat to watch practice. I make my way to the weight room where Jonny and Sharp are patiently waiting for me.

"Your late" says Sharp

"I know, I had to help little cripple change and get his brace on"

"He's here?" Jon's face lit up with excitement

"Yea, he's gonna watch today's practice"

Before morning skate I had Tazer and Sharp working on the elliptical to warm up some leg muscles than we did some light weight lifting, the goal was to warm up their muscles so they where ready for practice. After they were done they headed to the locker room to change and the whole team met on the ice. I got my skates on and stood in the tunnel as Coach Q barked out orders. We were gonna have a quick scrimmage just to wake everyone up. One net was brought to the blue line. Crawford and Raanta to their respective net. Kieth was captain of white jerseys. Sharp, red jerseys.

Each player took to their side and Coach blew the whistle singling them to go. Keith's team won the scrimmage 4-2. After scrimmage coach made his lines.

"I wanted to condition today but we have a game tonight so I won't kill you" he jokes

"I just wanna see basic line passes, each person on the line must get the puck once before it ends up in the back of the net. Failure to put the puck in the net will result in suicides for your lines. Crawford each time the puck ends up in the net equals another suicide for you to do after all 4 lines have gone. Defenseman and Raanta are to go down to the other end of the ice"

I skated down with the defenseman and Raanta. It was the skills and development coach, development goaltending coach, and I. We lined the the guys up on the side bored while Raanta went and worked with the goaltending coach. We than set up three cones, one one on each trapezoid, the third on the blue line right in the middle. I blew the whistle resulting on everyone's attention on my side of the ice.

"Simple drill, we need to work on pivoting, now pick a corner" After they took a respective corner I began explaining the drill. "At the blow of my whistle a player from each side will sprint to the middle cone on the blue line than sprint backwards to your respective board and back In line. One everyone has gone we will go again but faster. I wanna see the c cut and pivot stressed! If it's not done right we will do it again and again until it is right"

Patrick's POV

I was in the zamboni tunnel watching Alyssa working with the players. I longed to be there on the Ice even tho I would be working with Coach Q and not Alyssa. I had never watched her like this before, she looked so comfortable. This was her comfort zone. She loved what she was doing, you could see it in her eyes. Each movement she had, each giggle she laughed, each smile she flashed I fell more in love. She told me the she didn't know what love was and i never had enough confidence to tell her i didn't either.

But now I knew, I was in deeper than I ever have been.

Coach Q finished before Alyssa did, releasing his group earlier so they could shower. I still stayed in the tunnel and observed Alyssa's drills.

"Peaks!" I hear someone tell my name, I turn around to see a very sweaty Jonny.

"Hey Jon" I smile than bro hug him as best a man in crutches and huge brace on can.

"Why are you here?"

"Thought I'd come watch, it's so different watching Alyssa run drills. She's a beast"

"She is, she's pushed me a lot... How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, this fucking sucks" I mumble

"I know but you'll come back better than ever, hell the strength and conditioning coach lives with you!"

"I know I know"

"How have you and her been?" He says as he stares at his red and black nikes

"Were good"

"You gotta be careful with her, especially what you say pat"

"What do you mean?" I say annoyed

"Pat she's giving up her life for you, and I know that sounds crazy but look at it. She moved in with you to basically be your 24/7 nurse. When was the last time she saw her own family? She hasn't been around them or her friends much after saying yes to this relationship. And you guys are always together, you live and work together there is bound to be a time where you guys agitate each other"

" I never really looked at it like that.... She hasn't seen her godson in such a long time"

"I'm just telling you now Pat because she's changed you for the better and I don't want you to loose her. I see you guys and I know she's the girl for you and me being your friend.. I can't let you be dumb and loose her" he chuckles

"Thanks Jonny, thank you for always looking out for me" I fiddle with my hands before meeting Jonathan's eyes. The words he spoke where the truth and me being me, I'm bound to say something stupid to Alyssa and result in a fight.

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