Chapter 4: Baby Whoops

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The next morning was a tough one. I got up at 7 and took a really hot shower. I grabbed my sweats and blow dried my hair. After I went into the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of cereal. Last night kept replaying through my head over and over again. I wanted it to stop but my mind wouldn't let it.

Eventually Natalie had woken up and got ready for work.
"Are you gonna stay here by yourself?" She asked while pulling a bowl from the cabinet
"Id rather not, I'm gonna go to my sisters"
"About last night, what even was that?"
"A side of David I hate to see"
"You've seen the side of David before?"
"Nat I really don't want to talk about it" I got up and grabbed my keys and purse from the couch.
"Maybe I'll be home later tonight" I said while walking out the door
"Alright text me" she shouted back as I closed the door shut. I walked over to the car and saw a massive dent in the hood. It look like someone had punched it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was David.

Before heading to my sisters I had to stop at the pharmacy to refill my prescription on anti-depressents. I've been on them for about three years now but no one knows about it at all. While I was waiting on line my phone kept ringing. I looked down at a unfamiliar number and was skeptical to answer. I decided I really had nothing to loose so I hit answer.

"May I ask whose speaking"
"It's only been a day, did you forget about me already?"
"Haha yea, I was calling to see if maybe you wanted to catch dinner with me tomorrow night?"
"I don't really know"
"Awe come on, it will be fun"
"Alright I guess I could make it"
"Alright well I'll pick you up tomorrow around 7"
"Okay sounds good Pat"

I added his number into my phone and than threw it back in my bag. Why would he wanna go out with me? Of all the girls to take out he wants to take me out?

I got my refill and headed back to my sisters house who was doing yoga when I walked in.
"Hey Gab, whatcha doing" I said while plopping down on the couch
"Baby yoga, suppose to help labor or something like that"
"When's that little sucker gonna pop out?"
"Any day so Jack has had his phone and keys glued to his hand all week"
"He'll be coming soon, you watch. Do you think I could borrow that white blouse with the buttons in the back?"
"Yea it's in my closet all the way to the back"

I headed upstairs and found the shirt than went into my room and grabbed my dark blue jeans and high brown boots and left them on the on the chair to my desk. I had an outfit ready for tomorrow that wasn't to fancy but still looked like I tried. The rest of the day was kind of bummy because my sister and I just hung around the house

The next morning I woke up really late. By the time I went downstairs Jack was already gone and Gabby had eaten and went back upstairs to lay down. I made myself a bowl of cereal than headed out for a little jog. I slipped into my yogas, my hawks hoodie and my Nikes. The jog wasn't that long because it was freezing outside but I really wanted to stretch my legs. I kept eyeing everyone as I jogged and kept looking behind me just in case David where to find where I was.The cops couldn't arrest him because he didn't brake and enter, even tho he completely did. David had used a spare key I had given him once when Natalie and I went on a small rode trip to PA and used it to unlock the door. It scared me to think he was still out here and I could run into him.

After the jog I headed back to the house and took a really hot shower. Hot showers were always a remedy for me because they let me think. My showers are so hot that I steam up the entire bathroom but I could really care less. After my long hot shower I blowed dried my hair straight for an hour and did my makeup.

I wasn't a big fan of makeup so I only did eyeliner and mascara. I hate when girls cake on their makeup, that has to be my biggest pet peave. I had finished in the bathroom and it was about 5 so I had 2 hours before Patrick would be here. I changed than sat on my bead and painted my nails black, which was the only color I ever painted them. After they had finished drying I started hearing a painful moan coming from down the hallway. I got up off my bead and headed towards my sisters room.

She was lying on the bed hold her stomach and moaning really load.
"gab are you okay?"
"Lys I think my water just broke and I'm having really bad contractions"
"Come on lets go, I gotta get you to the hospital"
I grabbed her hand and helped her off the bed. I guided her downstairs and out to the car. Before leaving I grabbed my phone and keys and began to call Jack as we drove to the hospital.

He said he would meet us there and was leaving work right now. We pulled up into the hospital and I ran inside and got a nurse. She quickly got a wheelchair and helped me take Gabby out of the car and sit her on the wheel chair. The nurse wheeled her into the room started getting her ready. I knew nothing about labor but her contractions were happening fast so that must mean the baby was coming.

Jack showed up about 15 minutes later and the doctor told us Gabby hadn't started crowning yet so it could be a while. Jack and I waited nurvously. I could tell Jack was really nervous but tried not show it.
"It's gonna be okay" I said to him while patting his leg.
"I'm so nervous Lyss"
"It's gonna be okay, the doctor said the baby is in the right place"
"I know, I just really hope all goes well"

-----Patricks POV
I changed into my jeans and a nice dress shirt. I took a last look in the mirror and fixed my colar. I ran my hand through my hair and straightened my shirt. I didn't want to be late so I headed out to Alyssa's house. I still had the address in my gps so I knew where her house was.

I pulled up at 7 on the dot. I got out of the car and grabbed the roses I had. I fixed my shirt one last time than took a deep breath before walking up to the door. I knocked than backed up from the door. I waited about a minute and nobody answersd. I knocked again, still no answer. I looked in the driveway and there wasn't a single car. Did she really just stand me up?

I sat in the car and called her cell phone but no answer. I went and knocked one more time before leaving. I was so pissed that she stood me up. I decided to head to Tazers house since I didn't want to head back to my house.

-----Alyssa's POV
The doctor came in and gave Gabby the epidural which didn't go to well. Gabby really doesn't do needles to well so Jack had to hold her hand as 2 nurses and a doctor came and gave it to her. Jack was sweating a bit and he was just loosing it on the inside.

The doctor said it was time because Gabby had began crowning. Jack waited inside as I went outside the room and and patiently waited for me to get called in. Thirty minutes had went by before the door opened again.
Jack opened the door and his blue eyes met mine and he cracked a smile.
"You wanna come see the baby boy?"
"Id like that alot" I said as I smiled.

I got up off the waiting chair and walked into the room. Gabby was laying on the bed with the baby in her arms. He was wrapped in blue blankets. I walked over to her and he handed him to me. I took him in my arms and began rocking him because he began to fuss. I looked down at his dark hair and button nose. I couldn't wait for his eyes to open so I could look at their color.

"Oh Gab he's perfect"
"Thank you"
"What's his name?"
"We where thinking about Corey"
"Corey" I said and smiled to myself
Jack came up to me and looked at me.
"Since I don't have a sister, we want to make you his godmother"
"Guys that would be such an honor"

Jack snapped a picture of me with the baby and I handed him back to the nurse who brought him down to the nursery. I ran out to the car and grabbed the hospital bag out of Jack's car that Gabby had packed. Gabby had fallen asleep and Jack was gonna stay the whole night with her. I hugged him goodbye and headed back to their house. I got in my car and opened up my purse that I had left in the car.

I grabbed my phone and saw missed calls and a few text from Patrick.
Crap I thought to myself. Did I really completely forget about Patrick and I's date? I threw my phone on the passenger seat and decided to take a quick ride to Patricks house. I pulled up to the building and the doorman let me go up. I knocked a few times but got no answer. Eventually I gave up and headed home. I called his phone but had got no answer.

I guess I would have to try again tomorrow morning. I got to Gabby's house and fed the fish in the big tank that was in her basement. It was Jacks pride and joy because that was the only pet he had right now. After than I put some stuff away in the living room and than headed up stairs to bed. I threw on some sweats and a tank than washed the makeup off my face. I climbed under my covers and fell asleep with a smile on my face at the thought of the baby

----Author's note
Hey guys, short update tonight because I kind of wanted to leave you with a cliff hanger about how Alyssa deals with leaving Patrick flat and everything. Hope you like it, don't forget to vote :)

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