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Requested by: ffsaboutcolesprouse

I walked silently down the street, hands shoved deep in my coat pockets, as tears fell from my eyes

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I walked silently down the street, hands shoved deep in my coat pockets, as tears fell from my eyes. I winced occasionally as the saltiness burned the fresh cut and bruise on my cheek.

I barely had time to think before I just decided to dart out of my house with only my phone and the clothes on my back.

I didn't care.

I would've went out of the house in my underwear if meant getting away from him...

Some days it wasn't so bad, we'd laugh together and talk about everything we can think of. But some days....the days when he's drinking heavily...the arguments start, the fists start flying, and I end up with some sort of physical or emotional wound that never truly heals.

I sat down on the sidewalk and took my phone out of my pocket to call Jughead.

Jughead...my sweet, sweet boyfriend. The only person in this god forsaken world who has shown me any kind of true love. He's literally my saving grace and I don't think I'd still be here if it wasn't for him.

It rang a couple times before his voice came through the phone. "Hey, baby."

I held back my tears as much as I could so I could speak. "I need a place to stay...can I come over?" I knew he'd pick up on my tone immediately despite me trying to pull myself together.

"Y/n...you know you don't even have to ask."

I nodded my head, knowing he couldn't see me, but I just couldn't really respond. "On my way..." I said, hesitating before ending the call.

I placed my phone back in my pocket and stood to my feet again. I let out a quiet whimper as the acing in my ribs hit hard from the movement. I gently touched the swollen part of my eye...this one is going to be hard to cover up.

A few minutes later, I walked up the driveway of the Jones' and up the steps to knock on the front door.

Jughead opened it quickly, took in the sight of me, and immediately wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed silently into his chest for a while before he pulled me inside and shut the door.

"My dad will be home soon, you need to tell him what happened." He said sitting down on the couch and pulling me onto his lap carefully.

I laid my head on his shoulder, but shook my head. "No, Jug...I can't.." my voice cracked as I tried to respond. He starting rubbing my back to keep me from getting too upset. I decided to change the subject. "Do you have some pj's I can borrow? I'm kind of tired of being on jeans." I asked with a half smile.

He nodded and helped me stand before leading the way upstairs to his room. I immediately walked over to his dresser and took out one of his T-shirt's. I had to rummage a bit before finding an old pair of sweatpants wadded up in the back. I laughed and his disorganization, forgetting momentarily about the bruises that covered my body. "Ow!" I said grabbing my side.

Jughead moves from his spot on the bed to help me sit down. "Let me see," He said moving to lift the side of my shirt up. I pushed him away at first, but realizing he would see when I changed anyway I allowed him to inspect the bruises. I watched as his face fell and his eyes filled with worry.

"Y/n..." he started but I cut him off.

"Jug...please. I don't need pity right now okay? I just need you to comfort me and help me figure things out okay?" I caressed his cheek gently before planting a sweet kiss on his lips.

He nodded, and we heard the front opens dm close downstairs. "Dad's home...get changed and I'll be downstairs when you're ready."

I gave him a small smile and a nod. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I quickly changed into his clothes, and grabbed my phone out of my jeans pocket. I took my hair out of its ponytail, and then headed down the stairs to find FP and Jughead in the kitchen talking over some burgers from Pop's.

"Feel like eating?" Jughead asked sliding a plate my way, and I sat down at the bar beside him.

"Yes, I'm starving." I took a bite of my fry hoping FP wouldn't bring up the obvious elephant in the room. Unfortunately, that's exactly what he did.

"Y/n...what happened to you eye?" He asked as he popped a couple fries into his mouth.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at Jughead for reassurance. He nudged her with his foot as if to say it was okay.

"Uh..." she couldn't make eye contact with him. She was too ashamed to admit to anyone that her father was an abusive asshole. "My dad..."

We were interrupted by my phone going off excessively on the counter. My hands were shaking as I went to pick it up.

I quickly read through all of texts I had received. Some he was calling me names, some were him half apologizing, but when I didn't answer he went back to name calling. The last text stopped me in my tracks.

"Jug...he's coming. He said he's coming here.."

The one place I can go to feel safe...to feel loved...and he's about to ruin it all.

"He can't..." suddenly a loud banging came from the other side of the front door. An involuntary whimper escaped my lips and I immediately moved to stand behind Jughead for protection. FP looked at me confused before finally putting the pieces together.

"I'll handle this," he promised moving to answer the door. "Hey Steve, it's good to see you man." FP said playing it cool.

"Where is she?" My dad demanded with a drunken slur.

"She's having dinner with Jughead." FP said calmly.

"I'm taking her home," He said trying to push through the doorway.

FP stepped even more in his path, "I don't think that's such a good idea." He warned in the politest way possible.

"Oh yeah, why the hell not?" He said shoving FP slightly.

"She's gonna stay here for the nigh, it seems she may have been attacked." He narrowed his eyes at my dad who let out a burly laugh.

"Listen here Jones...that's my kid, and that means I can do as I please."

"Was that just an admission... Steve Y/L/N...your under arrest for.." I vaguely heard him starting to read my dad his rights, but the whole room started spinning. I couldn't believe he was actually caught...and by the sheriff, too. I felt overwhelmed, but not in a bad way.

I felt tears burning in my eyes again as Jughead turned to hold me in his arms as I started to fall to the ground, sobbing. Relief that maybe my dad would hopefully go to jail for at least a few years, after I turned 18. I could live a normal life without fear of him, and by the time he got out I'd be an adult able to live on my own and away from him.

Jughead just held me as I cried, kissing my head and rubbing my back. He didn't try to say anything he just held close to him knowing that that is all I really needed...arms to hold me and make me feel safe.

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long I kept running into obstacles in my real life that kept pushing this further and further back!! I hope you enjoyed it and I may do a part two if everyone wants it! I hope it was worth the wait and that you enjoyed!!! Sorry for typos I'm bad at editing today!

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