•Positive (Part 5)•

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My alarm went off bright and early Monday morning

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My alarm went off bright and early Monday morning. I hit snooze, and attempted to go back to sleep, but I was completely exhausted, and already so uncomfortable. The revelation that I was carrying twins was a shock, but thinking back it actually makes sense. I can't believe I never even thought about the possibility of twins. I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head. A knock came from the other side of the door.

"Go away," I groggily replied through the pillow, annoyance clearly present in my voice. The door opened anyway and Jughead walked in with a soft smile.

"Good morning, sunshine," he teased.

I threw the pillow at him, "stop being so cheerful in the mornings." I demanded jokingly.

"One of us has to be," he said coming and laying down beside me on the bed. He kissed my head and threw his arm over my side.

"I'm sorry,I just haven't gotten much sleep is all," I said turning to face him a little.

"I know, baby." He moved some of my disheveled hair away from my face and kissed my cheek.

"I should probably get ready for school," I said with a laugh and a light blush knowing how crazy my hair probably looked. I brushed it down with my fingers as I sat up on the edge of the bed.

"You look beautiful, y/n." He said as his way of telling me to stop worrying about it. He kissed my nose, and then my forehead again. I gave him a small smile, and then grabbed my clothes to go take a shower.

When I got out, I could hear Jughead talking to my mom in the kitchen. He said something to make her laugh, which he did often, but I'm just glad she's getting to see that side of Jughead, and that she's getting to know him the way that I do. I placed my hand on my stomach and chuckled to myself...well, maybe not ALL the ways I know him.

I walked back into my room, and put on my clothes for the day. Jughead and I decided we didn't want to hide the pregnancy anymore. People were gonna find it eventually anyway so we might as well beat Cheryl to the punch. That also meant I don't have to wear baggy clothes anymore and since it was a pretty warm day, I had decided on a black and white striped shirt, a pair of maternity short overalls, and my white converse. I decided to leave my hair down in it's natural wave. I went and brushed my teeth, applied a light dusting of makeup, and then went and grabbed my backpack off my bed. I slid my phone down into the side pocket of my bag, and closed the door behind me as I walked downstairs.

 I slid my phone down into the side pocket of my bag, and closed the door behind me as I walked downstairs

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Jug and my mom were drinking coffee around the island in the kitchen, and the aroma overtook my senses.

"Oh, what I'd do for a cup of that right now," I said walking into the room. They both turned and smiled at me. I put my backpack on the barstool in front of my and sat down to eat the breakfast my mom had made for me.

"You look so cute, honey!" She said with excitement in her voice. I took a bite of the pancakes on my plate.

"Thanks, mom," I said grabbing the glass of juice she just sat down. "So, have you heard from dad?" I asked treading lightly. I didn't really care that much after what he said to me, but I could tell my mom was missing him.

She shook her head, "no, not a word." She bit down on her lip, the same nervous habit that I had.

I nodded my head, "Well, I'm sure he'll call you soon." I ate a few more bites before losing my appetite. I drank down the rest of my juice and moved to put my plate and cup in the sink.

"You ready to go, Jug?" I asked him walking back over to them.

He planted a quick kiss on lips with a smirk, and then he grabbed my backpack and grabbed onto my hand. "See you later, Mrs. y/l/n."

"Bye, mom. Thanks for breakfast!" I yelled as we walked out the door.

"You really do look cute, and beautiful but I always think you look beautiful." He said as we walked down the walk.

I laughed, "thank you." I noticed he drove his dad's truck today and I made a note to question him on it later.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked opening the door for me.

"Pretty good actually. Other then being tired,"

"That's good," he replied and closed the door to walk around the front of the truck to the driver's side. He threw my backpack in the middle next to his, and started the truck.

I put on my seatbelt, and continued on with the conversation, "but I feel better knowing we aren't hiding it from everyone any more. It really took a load off." We both laughed at the joke I made because it actually in fact, added a load. He backed out of my driveway and sped off down the road towards Riverdale High.

He drove around the parking lot what seemed like years looking for a close enough space so I didn't have to walk.

"Jug, just park anywhere. I'm pregnant, not dying," I teased him laughing as he made another circle around the lot.

"I just don't want you to get tired," he said finally pulling into a space in the middle of the parking lot.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I took his hand in mine and brought it to my lips to kiss it quickly before letting it go.

"You ready?" He asked shutting the truck off.

I took a deep breath, and looked around at all the students entering the school. I closed my eyes to prepare myself, and felt Jughead's hand on mine. His warm hands instantly brought me comfort and I opened my eyes and smiled at him. "Okay, let's do this...it's now or never."

He smiled at me and climbed out with our book bags. He hurried around, opened the door for me and helped me out. I interlaced our fingers together, and we walked into the school together, hand in hand and heads held high. Eyes were on us as we entered, but I made the decision to keep my attention on Jughead, who smiled at me and threw his arm over my shoulder. He planted a kiss on my forehead, and I smiled up at him, and wrapped my arm around his waist.

With Jughead by my side, I felt like I could do anything, but especially make it through this without falling apart.

A/N: Shorter part, but there's more coming soon! :) I hope you're enjoying this!! Please vote if you want and remember requests are open!

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