•Snake Food•

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"Why do you always get to pick the movie?" I pouted at Jughead as he browsed through the selection on the bookcase.

"Because I have better taste," he said smirking at me.

I wrapped myself up tighter in my comforter.
"What? You mean you didn't enjoy watching 10 Things I Hate About You?!" I asked faking shock.

He chuckled, "it's just a typical chick flick movie, y/n. It's predictable."

I rolled my eyes playfully at my best friend, "how bout we just go to Pop's instead?" I asked standing from my bed and stretching my arms above my head.

"Nooo! Sunday is always movie day! We can't just abandon our post!" He whines walking over to me and throwing me over his shoulder and back on the bed.

"But I'm hungry!" I demanded while laughing.

I heard my phone ding in my pocket, alerting me that I had a text. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and checked the message. A smile grew across my face and a small squeal escaped my lips.

"Jug, I gotta go. Reggie's back in town! He wants me to meet him at Pop's!" I got up and started to put my VANS back on.

"Please stay," Jughead asked sitting down beside me.

"What?" I asked turning to face him.

"Don't go. Stay here with me. Watch a movie."

I chuckled lightly as if he was joking "Jug, he's my boyfriend."

"Yeah and I'm your BEST friend. I've known you longer...we've been friends our whole lives"

"Jughead, I haven't seen him all Summer. He's been at football camp." I told him standing up off the bed.

"I know y/n, but.."

"No, Jughead. I missed him...I'll be back later," I said pulling my shoes on the rest of the way.

I stood up off the bed and pulled a light jacket on. I walked over to Jughead, "please... just wait here, I will be back."

He nodded but didn't say another word as I hurried out the door and down the street towards Pop's.

The sun was starting to set already so the sky was burning bright shades of orange and yellow. I could see some rain clouds starting to form over head so I knew I needed to hurry and get to the diner.

When I arrived, I sat in a booth close to the window in the back of the diner. We sat here often, and I knew it'd be the first place his eyes would search when he arrived. Then I sat and waited anxiously.

*2 hours later*

Stood up.


I don't know why I even bother anymore. He puts zero effort into this relationship and I put everything into it. I should've just stayed and watched movies with Jughead.

I turned the corner and headed up the walk to my house. I could faintly hear the tv on as I opened the door and walked in closing the door behind me. I wiped my eyes quickly so Jughead wouldn't be able to tell that I was crying. I slipped my shoes off and tossed them by the door. I headed towards my bedroom door and say the light from the tv glowing from the crack underneath the door.

I walked in and closed the door. Jughead was sprawled out across my bed, one arm behind his head his beanie sloshed to one side, slightly covering his eye, and soft snores were coming from his slightly parted mouth.

I tiptoed across the floor and gently sat down on the bed, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen again...still no word from Reggie. I sighed and unlocked my phone and prepared to type out a message to send to him. Instead, I dialed his number and snuck back into the loving room, leaving the door cracked slightly. I paced around the room fidgeting as I waited. 5 rings later, Reggie answered.

"Hey, baby," he said smugly.

"No, Reggie don't. I'm pissed at you!" I whisper-yelled into the phone.

"Why? What did I do?"

"Seriously Reg? Pop's? You told me to meet you there I waited for 2 fucking hours and you never showed!" I yelled raising my voice slightly.

"Oh shit! Sorry, babe! I got sidetracked with the guys and forgot all about it." I heard a female voice giggle in the background and several of the other guys yelling.


"No...no, of course not. I was just having a little guy time is all.."

"This is a joke right? It has to be a fucking joke! You hung out with them all Summer, Reggie. I haven't seen you in 3 months and you say you need guy time. You are fucking unbelievable!! No, you know what? Fuck you, Mantle!!" I hung up the phone and threw it across the room at the wall. I missed, and Jughead, who was now walking out of my room, ducked to avoid impact.

"Shit!" He said as the phone flew right past him.

My eyes went wide "I'm so sorry, Jug!"

He looked me over noticing my disheveled look, tear stained face, and pissed off demeanor.

"What did he do? I'll fucking kill him." He said walking right past me and towards the door.

I reached out and grabbed his arm before he could "no, Jughead...don't. Not tonight. Please?" I pleaded.

He looked back at me over his shoulder as if contemplating his next move. He sighed and I felt his shoulders relax a bit.

"Fine, but tomorrow....he's snake food" he said turning around to wrap his arms around me in a tight hug.

I chuckled lightly at his joke and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks, Jughead. You're the best!" I said wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Y/N, I'm serious. I'm tired of him treating you like shit and getting away with it. You deserve someone so much better someone who loves you more then anything or anyone else. Someone who will do anything for you. Someone who loves you for who you are."

I looked up at him and smiled. "Well, when you find him, send him my way." I joked lightly shoving his arm. I moved out of his arms and turned to walk away. He grabbed my wrist gently and turned me back around to face him.

"I already found him," he said before leaning in and connecting his lips to mine.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait on an update!! I hope you enjoyed this!! Sorry its probably pretty sucky! I'm considering a part two, but I don't know! Lol

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