•Positive(Part 3)•

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I walked into the dance...alone and upset.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Where's Jughead?" Veronica asked as she and Archie walked up to me.

"He's not coming..." is all I managed to squeak out.

"What? Why?" She questioned forcefully.

I just shrugged. Telling why would reveal our secret and I just wasn't ready to tell them yet.

I saw Cheryl heading our way eyes glaring at me and a smirk on her face.

"well, well...I see that Jughead isn't here. What happened did he find out your little secret and dump you like the trash you are?"

"Shut up, Cheryl! You don't know anything!" I yelled at her. I was so upset and angry.

"What secret? What is she talking about, y/n?" Archie asked turning to face me now.

Cheryl and I stood there glaring at each other.

"Well, go on then! Isn't his what you've been waiting for??" I yelled angrily.

She pressed her lips together into a hard line. She didn't say another word just turned on her heels and sulked off.

"I'm going home..." I said tears threatening to escape again. I turned around and walked back outside without another word to anyone.

When I got home, I filled my mom in on tonight's events. She kept apologizing like it was her fault and now she was coming into my room every 10 minutes to check on me.

Currently, I was laying in my bed in a pair of cotton shorts and one of Jughead's T-shirt's. My baby bump was visible through the fabric. I had turned Netflix on my tv and didn't even bother taking off my makeup or washing the curls out of my hair. The clock on the wall read 11:30pm, and I was currently rewatching 'The Office' for the millionth time. A knock sounded from my bedroom door, and my mom poked her head in again.

"I'm about to head to bed, do you need anything before I go?" She asked concern written all over her face.

"No, mom, I'm fine. I'm just going to go take a shower and then head to bed." I told her flipping over to my other side as I spoke to her.

"Okay, sweetie. I left you a snack on the counter in case you get hungry and there's milk and juice in the fridge."

"Thanks, mom," I said grateful.

She walked into my room and kissed the top of my head, "goodnight, honey."

"Goodnight, mom."

She turned and walked back out of my room and down the hall to bed. I sat up and walked over to my vanity and started taking off my makeup. Mascara was dried, and my cheeks were stained with black streaks. My eyeliner was long gone from my very tired eyes and my lipstick was smudged. You'd never know that I looked pretty glamorous only a few hours prior.

After removing my makeup, I went to the bathroom and quickly showered to get rid of the remnants of the day. The stress, the tears, the look on Jughead's face....

I sighed and turned off the water.

He's never going to forgive me.

I pulled on clean underwear, pulled my shorts back up my legs, and pulled Jug's shirt back over my head. I made my way back down the hall to my room, flipping lights off as I went. I yawned and walked into my room closing the door behind me. I started Netflix back up and laid back down in my bed.

I looked at the clock again....12:00am.

A few minutes later, I heard a peck on my window. Then a few more. Then an actual knock. I crept over to the window.

"Jughead?" I questioned as I opened it up for him. "You could've just used the door."

"Hey, sexy lady," He nearly fell in the window as I opened it. He reeked of alcohol.

"Jug...are you drunk?!" I asked trying to help him up.

"I was at the Whyte Wyrm,"He wobbled over to the bed as I held his arm.

"Why are you here Jug?" I asked after he laid down on the bed.

"To see you," He said closing his eyes.

I crossed my arms over my chest "what if I didn't want to see you? You left me alone at the dance, after I told you literally the most life changing news. I needed you and you left." I said trying to keep from crying again.

He sat up as best he could "I'm sorry, y/n. I just needed to think."

"Think about what, Jughead? Whether or not you were going to leave me and our baby?" I asked still upset with him.

He shook his head "no, of course not. I love you. And I'm going to love the baby too." He took both of my hands and pulled me over to stand in front of him. His face was at belly level and he gently laid his head on it.

"Hey, in there, baby. It's uh...me...your dad. I hope you're a girl and you'll be just as beautiful as your mom." He whispered into it. I intertwined my fingers in his hair as he spoke, his beanie slid off his head. "I don't know what I'm doing, but I promise to try."

He laid back on the bed and pulled me down with him. We repositioned and I snuggled my head into his chest. His hand rested on my belly and he kissed my forehead lovingly.

"I love you so much, y/n." He breathed out quietly before he drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, Jughead." I said back even though he didn't hear me. I kissed him gently before drifting off to sleep myself.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this!! I loved writing it so much and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. Remember, requests are open!!! :) thank you for being patient for each part and thank you for reading!

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