Chapter 16: Tony's Grand Entrance

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Our footsteps echo in the narrow hallways, as we jog along. Where is everyone? There should be more guards. I look over at my sister, who's face is blank of emotion. She hasn't said a word since we left that white room. When Fiera was younger, she would have immediately interrogated him with questions. You have to remember it's been about eight years, she's probably changed, I remind myself. I feel myself sadden a little for the lost time.

I study her, and how she's grown. She came up to about my chest, making her about 5ft 5in or so. Her pitch black hair is extremely long, reaching down to her lower back. Complimenting her face, her side bangs swooped to her left, almost hiding her left eye. I took in her face, which had became that of a teenager. My little sister isn't so little anymore, I grinned. That's when I looked at her eyes. I'm startled a little to see they have an edge of intensity and hardness in them. They used to be lit up with joy and no worries. At least, after she got used to our family. I wonder what's happened to make them harden like that.

Interrupting my train of thought, Fiera turns her head my way. She opens her mouth then closes it again. Finally, after what felt like minutes, she asks, "So are you going to tell me what's happened to you since I last saw you?"

I look away. How am I going to explain what's happened? I sigh. "Well, there's not much to tell. I was kidnapped by the D.O.E.I. and was taken here, of course. Then they started testing on me, even though I was human." I emphasize the word was. "After that, they decided to use me as one of their soldiers."

Through the side of my eye, I see Fiera frown. "What do you mean by 'Even though I WAS human'."

Before I can answer, two guards turn the corner. They give a shout of surprise and raise their guns. Instinctually, I raise my right hand and shoot a pitch black ball of darkness at each of their faces, nocking them out. All of this I did in one fluid motion while still running. Fiera and Golden had stopped. I could feel them exchanging looks. After a second of surprise, they start to run again, trying to catch up.

When Fiera finally catches up, she exclaims, "Your a mutant?!"

I scrunch my eyes closed, trying to think of what to say. "I awakened not long after they stopped experimenting on me." I tell her, technically telling her the truth, technically not.

"How's that possible? Mom and dad aren't mutants. I didn't think the Cloaks had any mutant blood? And why would the Doei Doei test on a human? I thought they were trying to figure what makes mutants, mutants by testing on us?"

I shrug my shoulders in reply, though I know very well the reason for my powers. The testing that the D.O.E.I. did on me was to see if they could make a human into a mutant. They had already found out the chemical makeup of mutants and so tested it on me. The D.O.E.I basically succeeded, but there's major consequences. Anyone who under goes the transformation doesn't have a long time to live. That's why I lied to Fiera. I can't tell her that, now that we've just been reunited, we won't have much time together. I look the other way, not wanting Fiera see my face. She would know that I was lying, if she saw it.

We keep running in silence. When we turn a corner, I take a peek at the kid named Golden, giving me something to distract me from the months, weeks, and minutes that counted down to my death. Golden, from what I've observed, was a brooding teenager, who tends to distance himself from others. I could tell the moment I first confronted him that he didn't put much trust in other human beings. When our eyes meet, as I observe him, his face automatically puts up a mask. He needs more practice. I can read him like a book. What gives him away is his eyes. It's obvious he's seen and experienced things that most people his age shouldn't experience. Whatever he'd seen, turned his eyes hard, untrusting, and stubborn. I turn my face and smirk a little. He's either lucky or unlucky that he's met my sister. Their equally stubborn, and, maybe now, even equally mistrustful. My little bit of a smile fades with the last thought.

The Impossible (Book 1 of the Impossible trilogy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें