Chapter 7: The Escape

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It's been, I don't know how long, since I've seen my parents and my old life. I'd say it's been six months. Almost half a year. I don't pay attention to the date much these days. That means the last time I saw my parents was about the middle of October. Wow! And for every night we are apart, I think about them. But I know if I was with them they would only get hurt.

Life with Teenage Impossible isn't that bad actually. I feel like I belong for once. The boys are hilarious and fun to be around. Their a joy to watch. One boy I met has a light brown mullet and blue eyes. His name is Kyler and he has the abilities of wind. Every time I talk to him, he reminds me more and more of my brother. Like an older version of the little Josh from when we were little kids. Not in looks, though, just personality.

It's been amazing hearing all the boys stories. It's kinda like we've become a big, huge family. There ornery as heck. *laughs in thought* There was one time that I had to take a bath in this lake nearby. Derek had to use his telekinesis, ability to move objects (or someone's) with mind, to keep the boys from taking a peek. The trouble was someone had to be nearby in order to be at my beck and call, if there was trouble. Smart ol' Tony fixed that. In the end, Golden wound up being on watch duty. He was behind lots of trees where he wasn't able to see me. Golden didn't speak to Tony for a whole month after that . *chuckles*

I wonder where Golden's at, anyway. I think. Ever since he told me to stay away and when he was on watch duty, he try's to avoid me. I know we didn't get on the right foot at first, and he hurt me pretty bad, but I want to try to start over. I think it's just circumstances that make him act the way he does. Him wearing his hood up and sunglasses all the time is big sign of insecurity. In my opinion, at least.

Speaking of the shadow, there's Golden in the bitch dark corner. He's giving me that frown again! I walk over to him, and he moves to escape. Before he gets too far I grab his arm, stoping him. He looks back at me.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from me." He says to me.

"Yes, but I tend to not listen to people. I want to start over." I say matter of factly. Golden looks at me like I've gone crazy.

"You do remember I hate you?" He responds.

"Yeah. I don't really care what you think." I say stubbornly. I'll make him understand that I'm a person who never gives up when I have my mind set on something. Mwahahahaha. Oh, that was a little scary sounding.

Golden, again looks at me, but this time he is looking at me like I'm some alien he can't comprehend. His lips starts to curl up in a snarl.

"You should care. Get the-" Just then two boys burst through the door yelling, interrupting Golden.

"What-?" Derek begins to ask, with Leo and Tony standing behind him.

"We got to go! Run!" Yells one of the boys. The next thing I know, the house is on fire with blue flames. I immediately now that it is by a mutant. Why-? Before I process this fully, Golden grabs my wrist and starts running after Derek and Leo, who head up the stairs. On the way up, Derek tells Tony to make sure everyone gets to the roof. The roof? Isn't that the opposite of what we are supposed to do? I think, I little panicked.

As we head up the stairs to the roof, I feel the hot flames lick at my skin. That's when I notice Golden's hood has flipped off his head. I'm so distracted by this and the heat that I loose my footing. Golden, the same instant, looks back and sees me on the verge of falling down the stairs. Trying to grab for him, I accidentally grab his sunglasses. By then, he has my arm and tugs me back up, making me fall onto his chest. I look up and see something I didn't expect. Not only was his hair a yellow-ish blond, but his eyes where the color of gold.

Now I see why they call him Golden. I think.

Golden lets go real quick, after standing there awkwardly for a couple of seconds. Obviously wanting to get away, he heads up the stairs, with me trailing him. When we reach the roof, we see most of the boys there. Derek and Kyler look over the side as we walk towards them.

"We're surrounded." Says Kyler matter of factly, with an edge of panic.

"I thought so. That's why I went up instead of using the back door." Derek says. All I can think is oh, that's why, but how will we get away from the building? We hear footsteps and look to see Tony coming up the stairs.

"Everyone's out. Man, we are surrounded. I might be able to use my power to suck up the fla-"

"No! This is a different kind of flame then yours, Tony. You'd kill yourself." Derek interjects. I guess if its not the right type of flame, Tony can't absorb it. Or maybe it's because it's from another mutant.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" I jump in. I'm so scared that we'll be burned alive. Derek looks at me, and I see his face become sad for a brief moment. He then looks to everyone and says.

"I'll be a decoy while Kyler uses his wind abilities to fly you over to the lake, and Tony uses smoke for cover." Everyone looks at each other and begins to protest. "That's an order!" Derek orders with harshness that I've never heard him use before.

He looks to me and places something in my hand. No one notices that he did so because he made it look like he was grabbing my hand to comfort me. With that, he jumps off the roof, and levitates himself to the ground, putting a force field around everyone.

With a nod, Kyler and Tony do as their told and everyone's risen into the air in a cover of smoke. I look down and am able to see a little. Derek's using his telekinesis to attack and defend. Watching him, I amazed at how good of a fighter he is and his ability to wield his power fluently. He's amazing! No wonder he's our leader. He'll win for sure. Just when I thought this, I see some guy in a flammable black suit come up behind him through the back door. The next thing I see is the man pulling out a gun, and shooting Derek right in the chest where his heart lies. I hear Leo scream Derek's name out, and time seems to slow down. Tony looses his concentration, so the smoke clears, revealing our location.

Kyler try's his best to quicken his wind speed, but it's not fast enough. The men spot us and get ready to take aim. My eyes widen in fear. Oh no! We're practically sitting ducks. I hear Golden cuss and he yells, "Everyone close your eyes and look away." I do the opposite, and look at him, seeing his eyes start to glow like the stars at night. Bright and brilliant.

Taking a hint, I look away. There's a sudden bright flash from behind me and we accelerate in speed as Kyler puts all his effort into one big push. The next time I open my eyes, I see we are far away from the place we once called home.

----------I wrote one last chapter before school tomorrow! The next chapter will probably not be published till next weekend, most likely. Thanks!-------

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