Chapter 15: Reunion

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Everything was a blur. I would come in and out of consciousness, not really in a functioning state of mind. People would occasionally be above me, most in uniforms. I couldn't tell what they were saying. Their words would echo and blend together to make words that weren't even words. Sometimes, I would feel like I'm dreaming, but I really wasn't. Unlike right now. I open my eyes a peep, my vision blurry. I see a man between the age of boy and man with black hair. My brother had black hair. I try to focus on his face, but its so hard. Brother? I feel something prick me. The boy looks down at me. I notice myself start to fade back into unconsciousness. No! No, stay awake. My eyes threaten to shut. One last time I look at the boy who I know is looking down at me. "Bro...ther?" And I fall back into an endless cycle.

. . . . . .


Someone's voice echoes into my conscience.


I feel myself start to wake.

Come...come ...on...n...n

The words become more urgent. I rush to awaken.


My eyes open to see a pure white ceiling.


I look over to my right. Golden lays on a hard, metal table that's bound to be uncomfortable. Straps hold him in place at his wrists, ankles, chest, legs, and arms, giving him little maneuverability. Only his head is able to lift up and turn a little to see me. That's when I notice my surroundings.

The walls match the pure white ceiling, almost blinding. A beeping noise enters my ears. I look up a little to see a monitor with my heart rate displayed on it. An IV is connected to my arm, dripping something into me. Why am I here? I think, still a little disoriented.

"Fiera!" Calls Golden in an almost whisper. I turn my head towards him.

"What... are you" I manage to croak out, my throat so dry.

He frowns at the question and then, in an irritated voice, says, "You were in trouble. That blond chick you call a friend actually worked for the Doei Doei. And so you got yourself kidnapped."

I frown at him thinking, Look who's talking. Your here too. I start to remember what happened slowly. My mind was working painfully slow.

"Are you really that forgetful?" Golden mocked me.

Agitated with him interrupting my thinking process, I snap, "Sor-rey! But I can't help being sort of forgetful with this machine pumping stuff into my system."

Golden calms down a little, seeing as I was hooked up to a machine. His expression changes really quickly, though.

"Then let me ask, where were your guards, or whoever was looking after you?" He asks with a puzzled voice. I turn my head back to look at the ceiling, not wanting to look at him while I told him.

"I asked for them to go away." I felt Golden look at me with a little shock.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because I thought I could protect myself." I turn then to see Golden's face become a little agitated.

"And the Prez let you have your way?"

"Yes, actually. He said it was a great opportunity to start my first mission. I would let myself get captured in order to find info from the inside. Though, he told me he would let me know when he thought they would make a move." I see Golden trying to suppress his anger and agitation. That's new!

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