Chapter 10: Not-So-Ninja Like

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"This isn't going to work." Golden stated.

"It will! Just give it a chance." I say with a little offense. We talked about my plan at the lake, and they agreed to it. Though it was probably our only plan. I sulk.

"So, remind me exactly what we're supposed to do." Tony questions, doubting.

I roll my eyes at the boys' hesitation. "It's simple. We run across the road, up the tree, search my room for the cash I saved, and then repeat steps one and two, got it? All you have to do is..." I think about a comparison. Finally something comes to mind. " like Ninjas."

"Ninjas? You could have just left it with the instructions." Golden says with his eyebrows arching under a pair of new sunglasses and hood. Giving me the are-you-for-reals face and criticism tone.

"Come on. It's not like that there will be any one in there. It's only my room. And everyone's asleep, so no one will see us."

All Tony does is chuckle and say."Ok, whatever you say. We trust your judgement." Golden looks at him with a look that could only mean, 'Don't lot me in with you.' " With that we head across the street to my yard, checking if the coast is clear along the way.

Almost there! I think, following about three feet behind Tony and Golden. They reach the tree before me, but before I reach the tree, I hear my name being called. Great! The boys look at me. Golden with a smug look. I glare at them and wave them onwards.

As they disappear, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around I find Astrid, who happens to be my neighbor, striding towards me.

"Fiera? Is that you?" Astrid asks quizingly. I call back with a 'yeah.' How am I supposed to explain why I've been gone for six months? To my shock, Astrid comes and hugs me. After a couple minutes, she releases me, then looks at me with a concerned look. I try to keep my face neutral. Why-

"How are you feeling? When your parents told me you were really sick that even friends and family couldn't visit, I was really worried about you. They told me you might not get over your sickness for a long time. By the way, why are you outside?"

Wha-ha? What does she mean my parents told her I was sick. I was kidnapped, for Pete's sake. Well, sorta kidnapped. I tried not to frown. Deciding to go along with my parents story, I told a lie. I hate lying to Astrid.

"Oh, yeah. I'm feeling a LOT better then I did. I'm just waiting to have the doctors approval or disapproval. And for why I was outside; I wanted some fresh air. Being cooped up in my room for six months is insanity. My parents didn't approve of me going out, so I thought I would sneak out when its dark." I explained. Whew, thank you quick thinking.

"That's great that your feeling better. You've missed a bunch of school. A lot of drama has been happening, as well, though your probably ok with missing that." She replies with a wink, as we sit down on the grass. Striking up a conversation, and forgetting about the boys.

"Depends on the drama. How have you been?" Astrid begins to smile with so much glee, she almost glows.

"Ok, you know how I told you about me liking someone? Well, we are now dating!" She squeals as well as I.

"Who is it? You never told me his name." I ask enthusiastically.

"Ryan Samson!" My face drops. No way! The reason for my reaction is because I like Ryan. He was my school crush. Rian actually took the time and talked to me, unlike most people. Before I new it, I started to look for him in school.

Seeing my horrified shock, Astrid asks, "What wrong, Fiera? Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh, no. No. I thought I just saw my parents moving in the house. I probably should get back to my room, so I do I don't get caught. Sorry I can't talk longer." I apologize and try to cover up my facial expression.

Looking a little sad, she nods her head. We get up and hug, while saying our goodbyes. When I know she's gone, I head up the tree. Feeling sad and in a bad mood. When I reach the top, I turn and put my legs through first. An old habit of mine. Once inside, I turn to look for the boys, but is shocked to see them on the ground groaning. Before I could react, someone grabs me from behind and puts a knife to my throat.

"Don't make a move." A female voice says to all of us, as Tony and Golden get up.

Tony sticks out his arms with hands out, like the way someone would do to calm someone down, and says, " Easy! Don't hurt the girl."

From behind me to the right, a male voice speaks.

"You don't really have the authority, right now, to say that. As I see it, you have two options. One, leave the girl and run away.-"

"Or two, resist and you all become our prisoners, not knowing what we might do to you." The female replies coley.

Tony and Golden do that thing were they look at each other. I bet Golden will take the first one. He does hate me. Probably be glad to get rid of me. The only reason he talks to me is because he has to. With me feeling a little relief and shock, they both say two. Golden looking mad and Tony looking grim.

"That's what we wanted to hear." Says the female in a soft tone. The female puts the knife away and lightly pushes me to the boys. Catching me, Tony and Golden look ar her confused. I turn around and gasp.

Two people in black stand in front of me, who I thought I would never see again. I smile, with tears in my eyes and hug the two people. After a second, I turn around and explain to a majorly confused Tony and Golden.

"Tony, Golden, this is my mom and dad."

The Impossible (Book 1 of the Impossible trilogy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant