Chapter 12: The President

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Fuming, we travel by car to the President. Not very long ago, Tony was dropped off to where the boys were hiding near the lake. He will be the leader of Teenage Impossible while Golden's gone. We nodded our good-byes and then off we went. To Impossible.

My parents, who I've been shooting daggers at the back of their heads the whole time, are sitting in the front, and Golden and I are sitting in the way back, leaving seats between us and my parents.

How could all this be so messed up? I thought that if I went home, it would be like back in my old, less mutanty life. Guess I was wrong to get my hopes up. I have an epiphany then. If the D.O.E.I. Was the ones who kidnapped my actual parents. Then that would make them mutants. I hadn't really thought about it till now. Does that mean they were agents of Impossible, too?

I look over at Golden. He's sitting with his back to the door of the car with no seat belt on, and his head laying against the door. His legs are crisis-cross-apple-sauced and his arms are folded. Well, he looks comfy, at least, I frown.

My thoughts are interrupted when my dad speaks with his arm extending towards us, holding blind folds. "Put these on."

I look at him apprehensively. "Why do we need those?" I ask.

"Because the President didn't give us the ok to show you the location of head quarters. You'll see the actual building, but won't know where or how to get there. The company we, Impossible, are under cover of is not well known, though we are well known through businesses. No one would be able to find it on the internet because of our tech people who'll block any searches on the company. We like to keep our location secret." He answers like he was talking to a little child, almost as if he was a little upset with the situation, as well. I scowl at him. I have a feeling we aren't going to be the same cohesive family we once were.

"Just put 'em on." Golden says while grabbing one. I scowl at him too.

Seeing my face, Golden remarks, "You know, if you keep scowling at people, your face is going to freeze like that." I scowl deeper.

"Your one to talk." I retort.

Deciding to ignore me, Golden takes off his sunglasses. For a moment, he leaves his eyes shut, almost like deciding weather to open them. Then he opens them, revealing his glowing, enchanting eyes. I look up at the mirrors, and see my parents sneaking a peek back at him, exchanging looks of awe. Guess they've never see a mutant who's power shows through their eyes before.

He shuts his eyes again and puts the blind fold on. I follow suit, placing it over my eyes and tying it. Then there's silence for the longest time, uncertainty and uneasiness wafting throughout the car. Out of the blue, from my right, I hear golden ask me a question, only loud enough for the two of us to hear. "Why didn't you tell us about your parents and brother?"

I turn my head in his direction, surprised that he asked a question. Must have been on his mind enough that it was egging him to ask. Man, if only I could see his facial expression. Probably planned it. I think about his question. "Well, for one, you guys never asked me about it." I decide to say. Then add, "And just like you, I didn't really want to talk about it."

There's silence again. I so wanted to see his reaction, I complain inwardly. Then he speaks in a tired, almost understanding tone, "I see."

The drive continues in silence till we come to a stop. My mom says, "You can take the blind folds off now." And we oblige. Golden puts his sunglasses back on.

We all step out of the car and look up to see a sign that says Sci Industries. My mom and dad walk to the front, as Golden and I follow. Stepping through the clear glass doors, we walk into a spacious common room. A hall on both sides emphasized the desk with an elegant lady sitting at a computer, typing away. My parents walk up to the desk and the women looks up with a smile. "Hello. Welcome to Sci Industries. How may I help?"

The Impossible (Book 1 of the Impossible trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن