Chapter 8. (Drag your heart up to) the starting line.

Start from the beginning

“Which games are you talking about?”

“Your games, everything you’re doing.”

“What am I doing apparently?”

“You should know it yourself.”

“I don’t, so tell me.”

“Niall, this is the last place I want to have a fight.”

“I don’t want to fight, I just want an explanation.”

“I don’t owe you any explanation. It’s you the one who owes me an apology.”

“An apology? What for? You’re the one who left me waiting yesterday!”

“I tell you twice, I have my reasons.”

“Then tell me!”


“Maddie, you have to face the consequences. There must be a reason and you have to tell me.”

“You know what Niall? I’ll tell you, so you can leave me alone.”

“C’mon, go ahead.”

“I saw you kissing a girl.”

“In Hyde Park? Yesterday?”

“Yes, yesterday, in Hyde Park; a girl with dark curly hair.”

“Do you mean Sarah?”he asked.

“I don’t know her name, but I guess it’s her."

“She kissed me, she told me she wanted to walk with me to Hyde Park, and when we were saying goodbye she kissed me, but that’s it. She’s one of the girls in the new video; we’re nothing, not even friends.”

“Oh, but…”

“Wait a second, were you jealous?”

“What? Jealous? Me? Not at all.”

“Then why did you leave me there?”

“Because you were getting late, just to be with that girl.”

“The video shoot took longer than I expected and that’s why I was late. It has nothing to do with Sarah! You were jealous!”

“I already told you I wasn’t jealous, it just bothered me because you were late.”

“Admit it.”

“I got nothing to admit.”

“Admit you were jealous.”

“Alright! I was jealous! Happy now?”

In that moment I realised I had shouted more than necessary, everyone’s eyes were on me. I saw my boss coming to me, and stopped right in front of me. I heard Niall’s laugh.

“Maddie, you know we don’t want our employees to shout while they’re working."

“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’m just so happy because there’s 5 minutes left and my shift’s done.”

“Well, calm down and make sure it won’t happen again.”

I nodded and saw my boss going away. When he was out of my sight, I turned around and stared at Niall, who was still laughing. If looks could kill…

“I’m just so happy because there’s 5 minutes left and my shift’s done" he said, using the same tone as I had.

“Did you come up with anything better? You didn’t, right? And by the way, I don’t speak like that" I said, walking back to the cashier.

“You could have told him the truth, that you were jealous because some other girl kissed me."

“Whatever. When are you leaving?"

“Well, since there’s 5 minutes left ‘til you’re done here, I guess I’ll leave in 5 minutes."

“Are you leaving when I’m leaving?"

“Exactly, because I’m leaving with you.”

“Where are you going with me?”

“Wherever you take me.”

“I’d rather be working here than spending the day with you.”

“C’mon, we’ll have fun.”


“If you come with me, I’ll give you the Springsteen’s album.”

“You know how to buy people.”

“It’s what you want the most right now, apart from a kiss from me, of course.”

“Well yes, I so want that album.”

“And what about the kiss?”

“I think I’ll pass.”

“Then what do you say? You’re coming with me, aren’t you?”

“Just if you give me the album.”

He nodded and I smiled. A bit later we went out of the shop and started walking around.

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