17 - A Secret Revealed

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Marinette's POV

"Marinette! You're going to be late for school!"

"GAH! Thanks, Mom!" I quickly jumped out of bed, gave Ciel water and food, got ready for the day and ate a croissant on the way to school.

When I got there, everyone seemed to be in their own little groups, whispering among themselves.

They were so secretive, flinching at the slightest movements that anyone made.

I spotted Alya and the girls minus Juleka. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked as I walked towards them. Alya was stunned, she grabbed my arms and hugged me tightly.

"Oh thank goodness you're safe!" she exclaimed, when she pulled away she examined my neck.

"Hm... seems like he didn't do anything to you yet." she murmured.

"What's everyone whispering about? And who's he?" I questioned, seriously confused. "She's talking about Luka." a familiar voice said to me.

I whipped around and saw Adrien, Nino was behind him, looking sad and upset. "Why would Luka do anything to me?" I asked Alya, very curious now.

"So you haven't heard...?" Alya covered her mouth. 

Heard what?

"It's them!" a random student hissed.

I turned around and saw Luka and Juleka walk into school. "Hey, guys!" I grinned, I ran up to them.

"Is she insane?"

"What is she doing?"

"Oh no!"

Whispers started getting louder. Luka and Juleka looked very confused as well.

Alya grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Stay away from them Marinette! You shouldn't have trusted them, they're-"

"Vampires." Adrien chuckled, walking to the Couffaine siblings but stopping a few meters away.

"Vampires? Are you being serious?" I laughed. "A bit too early for Halloween, don't you think?" I wiped my tears of laughter.

But when I turned back to Luka and Juleka, they looked terrified, stunned.

"Oh, it's no joke." Adrien laughed, walking a few steps closer. "They're real, and this one's a manipulator." he pointed at Luka, making his ocean blue eyes stretch wider.

"What is going on?" I yelled. I couldn't find my way out of the maze of confusion. "Marinette, I know it's hard to take in, but this is the truth," Alya said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I frowned, "B-but... that can't be." I looked at Luka, my eyes wide.

The siblings started backing up, their limbs shaking. "D-do you have proof?" Luka growled, his voice quaking.

"Yep, right here!" Adrien pulled out a mirror, making the reflective side face the siblings.

As expected, there was no reflection.

Protests and yelling were the only things I could hear. But my eyes settled on Luka. "He's a manipulator! He tried to get close to Marinette so he could get an easy feast!" Adrien pointed at the boy with blue streaks.

N-no! That can't be...

He had so many chances to pounce on me, but he didn't!

Before I knew it, my own legs were shaking. Alya was there to catch me when they gave in. I gripped her when I watched Luka and Juleka run away.

HEARTSTRINGS { Lukanette FF } [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now