16 - Envy's Poison

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Adrien's POV

My emerald eyes lingered like a cat's vision to all the boys I've seen Marinette converse with.

Each one of them, happy or sad, Marinette has a close relationship with all of them. Kim, Max, Marc, Nathaniel, and even that Luka.

I kept an especially sharp eye on that Blue Boy. Every second they spend together, is the more my patience withers thin.

Luka... something about his eyes and that smile makes my stomach boil with envy.

What does he have that I don't?

I'm funny, kind, generous, and loyal!

What's so special about him?!

"Uh, earth to Adrien Agreste." Nino waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality.

"A-ah! Sorry." I murmur, looking down at the ground.

"What's up, dude? You seem so down in the dumps lately." Nino said.

"It's nothing." I insisted, sharpening my eyes on Marinette again. Nino sighed, "Look, dude, you made a pretty wild scene at the Masquerade before. Since when did you start liking Marinette?" he asked.

"I don't know, Nino." I shrugged.

Nino crossed his arms, "You know, you missed a pretty big chance when you rejected her." he grumbled.

"W-what?! How did you-"

"Alya told me, Marinette was crazy in love with you, dude. Not cool." he shook his head sadly.

I knew I screwed up when I rejected her, but I didn't think it'd come back to haunt me.

When I saw Luka dancing with Marinette at the Masquerade, I suddenly felt a strange raw energy boiling in me.

I hated seeing him so close to her. The way he looked at her just made my heart darken.

I have to find something about him that will make him look bad. He must have a dark secret that I can expose.

I will find what I'm looking for. But I can't do it alone. I turned to Nino, "Hey, could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, as long as it isn't something illegal," Nino responded.

"Well, not in the sense you're thinking of," I said airily, making dismissive gestures with my hands.

"Your job is simple, keep Luka and Juleka from going home as much as possible until I call you," I tell him.

Nino's eyes narrowed, "What?! Dude, what are you scheming in that blond head of yours?" he murmured, leaning away.

"Nothing bad! Just doing a little prank." I lied, putting on my most convincing face. Nino still looked skeptical, but he gave in and nodded.

"Alright, but afterward you have to do me a favor." Nino shook my hand.



I gave Nino an earpiece so we could keep in touch. After class, we separated. Nino went over to stop Luka and Juleka, while I snuck past and ran as quickly as I could to the Liberty.

To my dismay, the distance between Nino and I was too great, so our connection was severed.

After scouting the boathouse for any sign of visitors or Mrs. Couffaine, I snuck down into the hull.

I looked around for Luka's room and soon came across it, which was also Juleka's.

Nothing was odd, it looked like Luka was a fan of Jagged Stone and had a collection of guitar picks under a poster of him, except for a single slot where a pick should be, but it was empty.

Maybe he lost it?

I looked around his side of the room for something like a diary, but nothing.

I was starting to lose patience when I heard footsteps above me. But there wasn't supposed to be anyone yet!

My fists clenched. Nino!

I looked around for somewhere to hide, settling on hiding under Luka's bed.

"That was weird, why was Nino inviting us to a picnic so suddenly?" I heard Luka's voice.

Picnic? Really Nino?

"No clue." I was barely able to make out Juleka's tender voice. Dang it, how do I get out of this mess?

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Juleka said. "Sure, Jules." Luka's voice was right above me, he must be sitting on his bed.

"What do you like about Marinette?" Juleka asked. Luka was silent for a few seconds before I heard him chuckle.

"Well... everything. There's no other girl like her, Jules. She's really special." Luka murmured, something of sincerity in his tone.

"She's not only beautiful, but she has a passion for helping others. Sometimes, you don't even need to ask! I think she's perfectly imperfect, and I'm content with just being her friend." Luka finished with a sigh.

"Wow, sappy." Juleka laughed.

I couldn't help but feel slightly regretful, but I shook away those feelings. I can't turn back now, I've come too far.

"Come here, I'll look at those burns," Juleka said.

Huh, burns? Sunburns? "Not good, you spent too much time outside," she told him. "So did you." Luka retorted.

"When are you gonna tell Rose?" he asked. "Tell her what?" Juleka responded questionably.

"You know, that we're vampires."

... WHAT?!

I covered my mouth quickly before I could shout out a string of swears. They aren't being for real, right?

Maybe it's just their little game.

Juleka sighed, "Luka, you know I want to, but..."

"But?" Luka said.

"But... I can't! What'll she think? She'll hate me, that's for sure!" Juleka's voice hitched.

So it isn't a joke or a game...! They're actual vampires! My tears were watering with fear, I knew something fishy was going on with that boy!

He's a vicious monster, and I'm going to be the one to put him down.

"Wait- do you smell that?" Luka hissed. "Huh? What do you mean?" Juleka questioned.

"It's a fresh scent..." Luka murmured.


"Luka! Juleka! Dinner time!" Mrs. Anarka shouted from another room. "Coming, mom!" Luka called back.

A few seconds of silence passed before I heard their footsteps leave the room.

"That was close, too close." Plagg floated out of my jacket.

"Why are you even doing this, kid? You do realize that this goes against your heroic title, right?" Plagg told me.

I scoffed, "You heard what Luka said, Plagg. They're vampires. I'm being a hero without a mask and saving Paris from those monsters." I hissed.

I came out from under the bed and looked outside the room to make sure the coast was clear.

As silently as I could, I ran out of the Liberty unnoticed, a secret in my back pocket.

From tomorrow onwards, Luka will be the center of attention.

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