10 - Cat's Out of the Bag

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I couldn't believe my eyes. It was really him. I felt like I saw something I shouldn't have. But at the same time... I didn't regret looking.

Adrien must have something against me. But what? My mind was racing and I couldn't think straight.

Did anyone know? Did Marinette know? No, I doubt it, if she knew that Chat was Adrien she wouldn't dare talk back to him.

"Luka! Come down here!" Marinette's voice drew me out of my thoughts. I took one final look at the alley before climbing down back into Mari's room.

"You okay now, Luka?" Marinette asked sadly. I simply nodded at her. My eyes bore into hers, "Hello? Earth to Lukanette." Juleka snaps her fingers in front of both of us.

We both look away quickly, blushing intensely. "Luka, we should head home. You look like you got a bit sunburnt." Juleka taps a patch of red skin on my arm, making me wince.

"R-right." I mutter. "See you guys tomorrow." I smile at everyone and wave. "I'll walk you guys out." Marinette insists.

When we reached the door, she opened it and Juleka and I walked out. "Thanks for having us." I told her.

Her rose cheeks lift up as she smiles, "My pleasure. Bye!" she waves at us as we walk down the stairs.

~ A few days later...

Marinette's POV:

"Oh my gosh we are beautiful!!" Rose practically jumped up in excitement. She was wearing a beautiful ankle-length pink dress.

I grinned, "Thank you!"

Tonight, we'd be going to the first annual masquarade ball at school. I was beyond excited, but slightly nervous because I'd have to see Adrien there too.

Juleka had a long, purple tiger-like dress and a tiger-striped mask. Alya wore a knee-length fiery red dress that faded into orange the further down it went.

Alix wasn't very fond of dresses, so I had the pleasure of creating a tuxedo that fit her tastes.

Mylene had a long flurry dress of colours, topped off with a rose accent on the shoulder.

"Everyone looks so good!" I felt like crying looking at how wonderful everyone looked.

"What about your dress, Marinette?" Mylene asked me. "Mine's almost done! I'm very proud of it." I admitted.

"Girl, I know it's been a while since you confessed to Adrien... so how'd he react?" Alya asked. Alix nudged her shoulder, "We promised we wouldn't pry." she hissed.

I laughed, surprising all the girls. "It's okay. It didn't go well, but-"

"My brother comforted you, didn't he?" Juleka interrupted. I could tell I was blushing because of the way everyone looked slyly at me.

"He came back home looking strangely happy." she added.

"He... did. Yes." I admitted with a sigh. Alya looked sceptical, "I didn't know he was the type to sweep you off your feet like that after you got rejected..." she murmured.

I shook my head, "He was just there to comfort me before leaving, but... it was my choice to make him stay." I looked down at my feet.

"He's not that kind of person." I said quietly.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, I spoke up, "I'm going to finish my dress."

I walked over to my wardrobe to pick out something to put over my dress if it got cold.

When I opened it, a small box fell out. "Huh? What's this?" I mumbled, holding up the box to look at it.

When I opened it, I almost cried out loud, I had to slap my hand over my mouth. It was Luka's black jacket. "Marinette? Are you okay?" Alya touched my shoulder.

I nodded slowly, taking out the jacket and holding it close to me. I could feel his warm as if he were right beside me, his body pressing onto mine.

I forced myself not to cry but broke inside. "Girl, you're worrying me." Alya placed both her hands on my shoulders.

I felt bad. For him. For Luka. I forgot him.

"That's his jacket." Juleka suddenly mumbled. I looked up to meet her eyes. "Luka's." she adds.

Everyone else in the room is silent, looking at the black cloth I have in my hands.

"H-how did you...?" my mouth hung open in confusion. How could she possible have known that this was his jacket?

She walked over to me and pointed at a little blue stitching of the letter 'LC' on the side of the hood. "Oh." I said.

"Marinette, why do you have Luka's clothes in your bedroom...?" Alix asked suspiciously, but a glint of mischief was shining in her eyes.

My whole face was burning hot, "I-it's not what you think!!" I insisted, hugging the jacket. "Really now?" Alya teased, giggling.

"R-really it isn't! He just gave this to me a few years ago..." I said, looking away. "Huh? You knew him then?" Mylene questioned.

"Well no... I met him but I didn't know who he was. It's a long story." I lamented, recalling the vivid scene that played in my head.

I smiled when I remembered the night I confessed to Adrien when we both realised we met each other years ago on the Pont des Arts.

"We wanna hear it!" Rose exclaimed, shoving her face to mine. "Okay, okay." I gave in. "I'll tell you."


"And that's the story..." I murmured, my cheeks a bright pink hue.

The girls were speechless, even Alix looked like she was about to cry. "I still think our assumption was better." Alya chuckled.

I glared at her. "I think the real story is so romantic!" Rose remarked. "Me too." Mylene agrees joyfully.

I scratch my neck, "I should finish my dress." I said awkwardly, looking back at my unfinished dress.

"Sure." the girls start chatting away while I continue my work on my dress. This might be my best design ever!

~~ Later that night...

The girls and I had arrived to the ball, dresses (and tuxedo) perfectly ready for a night of enchantment.

My dress was now finished, a black top with it's straps wrapped around the bottom of my neck to form a collar-like design.

The skirt almost touched the ground with every stride I took, it was made of velvet red, very expensive material topped with complicated embroidery.

And above it, I wore Luka's old jacket, it was slightly small, so it looked like a cropped jacket, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

Overall, it cost me almost a fortune to make all of the girls' dresses. I looked around to make sure I wouldn't bump into Adrien, although it looked more like I was looking for him.

Alya lightly tapped my shoulder, "Your Prince Bleu is hanging by the punch table over there." she said smirking at me and pointing at a familiar lean figure holding a glass of juice.

My heart skipped several beats when I laid my eyes on Luka's signature dyed hair. He was gorgeous.

Even when he had a mask on I could tell it was him. He wore a simple tuxedo shirt with a blazer over it.

When he turned around, his mask was a bright teal color, encrusted with tiny diamonds but not too many that it ruins the mysterious look.

He had a whole look that uttered the single word 'breathless'.

Before I knew it, I was staring. And eventually, I captured his eyes. The corners of his peach lips turned up to form a charming smile.

HEARTSTRINGS { Lukanette FF } [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt