Back Story: A Painful Goodbye

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Six Years Ago:

After graduating Riverdale High, Cheryl and Toni realized their future paths were going in opposite directions. Toni was accepted into her dream school with a scholarship for photography in California, while Cheryl wanted to study abroad in France. For the whole summer they tried to convince themselves that they could make it work; seeing each other on breaks, daily FaceTimes, but both knew deep down it was a recipe for disaster. 

Toni sat besides Cheryl in her room looking down in pure thought.

"I don't want to end up resenting each other because of the distance Cher" Toni blurted out just days before they would depart.
"Maybe it's best if we just e-"

"End this?" Cheryl asked solemnly interrupting.

"But end this on good terms, spend our last few days together and then let each other go." Toni trying to sound as reassuring as she could.

"I don't want to lose you Toni, I love you." Cheryl said pleading.

"And I love you, but you will end up hating me. I know us, we can't do distance. We'll constantly be at each others throats and I never want to feel that way towards you. I'd rather always feel love when I think of you" Toni contested.

After a brief moment of silence Cheryl picked up her chin and spoke up.

"I hate that you're right, I really wish you were wrong" she said looking down again trying to fight back tears. "Can we at least make the best out of these last 3 days?"

"It's all I want" Toni said as she grabbed Cheryl's chin bringing her closer until they exchanged a kiss.

The kiss deepened as they tried to cherish every moment they had left together.


The next three days went faster than they could have ever imagined. They filled those days with fun adventures and long nights consumed with one other. It was time for Cheryl to board her plane to France and of course Toni was the one to take her to the airport. They drove in silence, and once arriving Toni stepped out to grab Cheryls' bag for her.

Cheryl stares at her long and hard before being able to speak. "So this is it... our final goodbye"

Instantly tears began to flow from Cheryl's eyes. Toni tried her best to stay strong but couldn't help but feel a ball in her throat and tears in her eyes. She grabbed Cheryl pulling her into an embrace and held her as tight as she could. Her head sat on Cheryl's shoulder and tears began to dampen her jacket.

"I will always love you cheryl, and who knows, maybe one day when we're done with college we can be together again" Toni said with a slight smile.

"I'll hold on to that. I love you TT. I'll love you forever" Cheryl told her

Toni loosened her grip on Cheryl and brought her face close. With one final kiss Cheryl walked through the doors of the airport, walking away from their relationship.



Toni graduated top of her class receiving numerous awards for her work. She's been living with her fiancé in an apartment until they finally tie the knot and look for a house. They've been together for 3 years now, and although the engagement is fresh, Toni couldn't be happier. Derek, just recently passing his BAR exam, got his first gig working with a top notch lawyers firm. He's been working as a helper on a large case for the firms best client.

Over the last year Toni has been working for the acclaimed Good Day Times as a photographer. Shes sent out to different locations to capture photos of whatever she is tasked with. She was called into the office by her manager, and was told her next task was to capture some images of the beauties of a small town to draw in tourism. She'd be sent away for the work week and was genuinely excited for another adventure until she was told the name of the town....Riverdale.

Hearing this name sent a sharp pain to her heart. You see, Toni snd Cheryl never spoke after that day at the airport. She bottled up every feeling she had for her and buried them deep inside until she felt they were no longer there. She's never been back to Riverdale since but reassured herself it would be fine since Cheryl was off living some lavish life in Europe. She then distracted herself with all the possible things she could take pictures of; Sweet Water River, the cliffs and swimming hole, and it's many beautiful gardens. Toni had a real skill for photography and knew she could illuminate the small town. Receiving her train ticket from her boss, she headed home to pack a bag.

As for Cheryl, she was living lavish of course, but not in Europe. After graduation she moved around both Europe and the United States. Ultimately she moved back to Riverdale to spend time with nana Rose as she was getting old and dementia was slowly taking over. But she wasn't there alone. She was renting a house with her girlfriend of a year and half Ashley. They met while Cheryl was working part time for an insurance company, learning the ropes of business management first hand. Ashley is one of their top agents and instantly was swooned when they met. Being a top agent, she closes deals just about wherever she needs to go, so moving to riverdale with Cheryl for a bit didn't slow down the business.

Cheryl is currently unemployed while she spends time with nana Rose. She's made sure she was in a elegant nursing home with the best care anyone could give her. She visits everyday and knew at the moment she didn't have time to work. But for Cheryl this was great because she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. Whether to find a job close by or move somewhere that had greater opportunities. Cheryl loved Riverdale but knew it was tough being in a town that brought back so many memories, both good and bad. Ashley never wanted to stay in riverdale, but did it for Cheryl. She knew about her past relationship with Toni and personally didn't want to live in a town where she had a connection to someone who wasn't her.

Both Toni and Cheryl wouldn't have thought in a million years they would cross paths again...until now.

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