Chapter 11 - Wet date

Beginne am Anfang

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask him?" Shiizaki answered.

"I got an idea!" Reine snapped her finger "Place us right above him!"

Soon the ship was right above Y/N and she gave Shiroi life jacket.

"Please don't do it" Shiori begged.

"Sorry" She pulled out remote controller "Sometimes you have to do wet job"

She pressed the button and floor under Shiori opened.

"I HATE YOUUUUUU!" She cried out and floor closed.

"Confirming Shiori safe landing next to Y/N!" Shiizaki said.

"Very good, now lets see how it escalate" Reine took a sip from her mug.

Shiori put on life jacket right before hitting surface of cold water.

"Y/N! HELP ME DAMIT!" She shouted when she surfaced completely wet.

"The hell you doing here?!" Y/N swam to her and helped her to get on boat.

"And how it looks like you moron?!" She shouted at him while trembling from cold.

"It looks like..." Y/N put on his sunglasses "...You got quite wet for me"

"YOU SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH Y/N!" She shouted at him while blushing "I'M SICK OF YOUR BULLSH*T ALREADY!"

"I guess you can swim to land by yourself then" Shrugged his arms and smirked.

"Please don't..." She murmured "I'll be a good girl..."

"You learn quickly" Y/N laughed and began to paddle.

"So..." Shiori looked around "Where we're swimming?"

"Bermuda Triangle" Y/N answered.


"Half of the way from the starting point" Y/N answered.

"IT TOOK YOU TWO HOURS TO GET HERE!" She screamed out.

"You either stay here or make your way to home" Y/N said unfazed "Nice bra by the way"

"DON'T LOOK YOU PERVERT!" She covered her chest with arm while blushing.

Then she realised she still had life jacket and gave smiling Y/N death glare.

Soon a storm with thunder started.

"Y/N, please..." She begged with tears in eyes "Go back, I'll do everything you want..."

"Not happening" Y/N said with cold tone.

"Hang in there Shiroi!" Reine cheered her up through earphone "We won't let you die that easily!"

After two hours Y/N stopped and pulled out his fishing rod.

"Are you seriously going to fish right here?!" Shiori said while trembling and sneezed "Couldn't you do that somewhere safer?!"

"Nope, it only appears here" Y/N answered while watching sea.

"What appears here?" She swallowed her saliva.

"This" Y/N stood up and started pulling his rod with all of his strength.

"HOLY SH*T, IT'S MOTHERF*CKING GODZILLA!" One of male crew member shouted out.

"HOLY SH*T, IT'S MOTHERF*CKING GODZILLA!" One of male crew member shouted out

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"IT'S A KRAKEN YOU F*CKING RETARD!" Another male crew member scolded him,

"IT'S A KRAKEN YOU F*CKING RETARD!" Another male crew member scolded him,

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"Commander, what should we do?!" Shiizaki panicked.

"Fire at it!" Reine ordered.

"Y/N, STOP IT AND RUN!" Shiroi screamed at Y/N while holding boat with all her strength.


A huge laser beam hit Kraken and cut the fishing line.

Y/N looked with dark expression at disappearing Kraken.

"Target hit and now it's on the run!" Shiizaki let out a sigh of relief.

"Are Shiroi and Y/N safe?" Reine asked.

Screen showed Shiori pale face and Y/N cursing at them while threatening them with his fist.

"Commander, are sure we're safe?" Shiizaki looked concerned at screen.

"Yes we're perfectly safe up there" Reine smiled and suddenly thunder struck the ship "NOT SAFE, NOT SAFE. RETREAT!"

Date A Invader (Badass Male reader x Date a Live)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt