01 | Ego and the Creep

Start from the beginning

"Go, Daniel is waiting for you!" Teresa snapped again, this time grabbing my hand and storming her way to the limo with me. I felt her nasty, awful jealousy radiate from every single pore of her weird, clammy hands.

She had four good reasons to feel the way she does. First, I'm her younger sister by a good six years, and I've been promised a good-paying job before her. Second, she tried her best to be beautiful, but had yet to reach even a fourth of my beauty level. No make-up can fix that (not even plastic surgery). Third, me working for the rich guy was basically like me taking her crush away from her, and the last reason's 'cuz, well, she might as well have the same reputation as him. Nobody liked her. Not even me, the most humble and forgiving of all. Look, just think 'bout it, who would ever like a person who smacks and licks their lips every time someone bends over, no matter who or what they are? It's straight-up harassment, and that's not all she does!

It was obvious that Daniel Campbell, the local rich guy in question, was bound to be worse than the troll I'm forced to call a sister, but money, luxury and free housing awaited me── all without an unnecessary education.

My thoughts were interrupted when Teresa sat me down on the limo's leather back seats. It gave me the chance to look at the manservant by the trunk of the car, whose puny arms ended up trembling milliseconds after picking up one of my suitcases. The sight of it made me wrinkle my nose. I should've put more stuff in there, and he should've prepared in advance. A quick visit to the gym could've fixed the problem... right?

Actually, now that I think about it, why did the so-called Campbell rich-boy send a little pipsqueak to come pick me up? God, he should know I deserve so much better. Just what the heck is this mistreatment, this injustice?!

"I'll see you later, someday," Teresa mumbled, annoying me to no end 'cuz I had to waste and dedicate a few more seconds of my life to her. And then I heard a sniffle come out of her. I swear to God I would've rolled my eyes had I cared enough to even react to it. It did confuse me though. I couldn't understand how Teresa's mood changed from that of a jealous old hag's to a bawling mess, and it weirded me out. I knew she was special (not in a good way), but why did she have to be so extra 'bout it?

"Miss Ane, is that girl another of the maids Master Daniel summoned?" the puny manservant wheezed out after loading the last of my things into the trunk. In response to his words, the maid holding the door turned her attention to Teresa, with eyes so glassy that I felt the sudden urge to slap her. But I wouldn't do that, ever. I'm a nice person who respects everyone, even though they deserve nothing from me, 'cuz they were all below me.

It did annoy me enough to think twice 'bout the manservant's words.

"Yes, yes she is," I ended up replying after a minute, with a wide grin.

An idea popped up in my mind in that minute, an original one that nobody thought of before me: to make Teresa tag along, and to have Daniel make her work for him too. If he refused to make it happen, I could just threaten him into agreeing with me. He wouldn't want me to leave him, nobody does. I'm a rare beauty, one of a kind, actually. Why would I go so far for this? The answer's simple: did I really think I could survive with a pervert all by myself? Heck no! And I'm bringing Teresa for her own good, too. She had no job and no life. The maid probably saw it in Teresa's greasy black eyes.

I mean, I have to treat my sister right at least some of the time y'know.

I pulled Teresa into the limo, and right away the maid closed the door. Teresa had no choice but to play along if she didn't wanna embarrass herself. I'm sure that she wouldn't have protested anyway, if she were given the chance. Anything to get to her dirty prince, she'll do.

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