Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    I have absolutely no idea why it's taking me thirty minutes to decide what to wear to a stupid pack meet. Why, all of a suddenly, did all of my regular black and grey t-shirts seems so bland? How did my originally normal jeans become so plain? How come all of my clothes were "unexciting"? I mean, it's like I intentionally try to repel the male population by wearing these types of clothes. 

    "Ugh," I grumbled as I threw another pair of black jeans on my bed. How many pairs of black jeans did one girl need, anyway? 

    "Hey, Tammy, I have to- what happened here?" he looked at me in surprise. 

     "Nothing," I said, glaring at him. "Why do you ask?"

     "Because it looks like you wardrobe threw up." 

     "Yeah, well, I’m having a girl moment so you better go or I'm going to start asking for your opinion."

     "Oh, God, the horror," he said jokingly, "I have to work but I'll be home before midnight, so you better be here, too." 

     "Yeah, ok," I said, grinning. This was the first sort of normal conversation my dad and me had had in, well, several months. Since my mom left, really. He left, and I was once again alone in my struggle. 5 more minutes passed, and I just sighed, putting on a grey t-shirt, the entire back was filled with holes that formed a skull, and a pair of black baggy jeans. 

     I heard a car pull up in the driveway and tensed - I wasn't expecting anybody. I walked down the stairs and opened the front door, and there he was. Will. He was wearing a tan long-sleeved shirt with a pair of faded blue jeans, looking as yummy as ever. I don't know why I think of the word yummy every time I see him, but there was just something about him that made you want to run your ton- wait, whoa there. That's one step too fast. 

    "Um, hi," I said, rather unintelligently, with a big goofy grin plastered on my face. 

    "Hi," he answers, smiling back at me. 

      "Um, sorry, but what are you doing here?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too rude. He was from the 40's, he must have been seriously offended when I told him to shut up and bugger off, I guess you can say that I am trying to make up for it now. 

     "I figured that you needed a ride," he said as he gestured to an old grey ford, "you know, your bike might not be in the greatest shape."

    "Oh, huh, thanks, I'd completely forgotten about that." Which wasn't exactly true. I had planned on calling Cory, but my phone broke in the crash and I'd forgotten to call her.

     "Hmm," was all he said. I then realized that my hair was probably a mess and that I hadn't put on any makeup. 

     "Could you give me like 2 minutes?" I asked pleadingly. 

     "Sure," he said.

     "Ok, thanks. Yeah, just make yourself at home and stuff, I'll be right back." I dashed upstairs without giving him a chance to reply, and as soon as I was in my room, I went to super speed and tidied up all of my clothes from the floor, as well as making my bed and clearing up my desk. I then grabbed my hairbrush and quickly pulled it through my hair a couple of times. I then ran into the bathroom as I applied some eye shadow and mascara. I pinched my cheeks lightly before grabbing my black purse and headed down the stairs.  

     "That was quick," he said, leaning against the frame of the door. 

     "Yeah, well, I didn't want to be late."

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