Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

     I ended up by the lake that was placed on the outskirts of town. I had never actually left Jamestown by myself. I'd either gone with my one of my parents, or Lee and once with Cory, but never by myself. I put my bike next to a tree and decided to sit on the edge of the lake, the forest floor was slightly damp and so I could feel the water seep in through my clothes, until it reached my skin. The water was clear, untainted, and almost warm. It was so beautiful here, I couldn't help but think. It truly was. The pine trees were so incredibly green, and the thick branches covered everything so absolutely, even I couldn't see through it. The ground of the forest was covered in green moss, as well as dirt. I loved it.

     What was it with those eyes that made me feel this way?, I thought helplessly. It was so nice, yet it terrified me to my very bones. What the hell was I supposed to do? I mean, I know I should call Cory, or even Nick, but somehow it felt wrong, and I trusted my wolf instincts. I couldn't think, I was so wound up. So, I did the only thing that felt right.  

     I started to take of my clothes, but only after carefully sniffing the air to make sure no one was around. Only a few deer 2 miles east, and a few smaller animals as well, but otherwise I was alone. When I was naked I grabbed all of my clothes and put them in my bag, which I then put on my bike. When that was done, I started to change. The change wasn't like in the movies, horrible and gruesome, but nor was it like that Twilight book. It was simply strange. It felt neither pleasant nor horrid. It just was. I felt hair coming out of my pores and my face lengthening, I felt my bones rearrange, which had really frightened me in the beginning because feeling your bones change should hurt, and then there I was.  


     The wolf. 

     I walked over to the edge of the lake again and looked down at my reflection. I was rather small for a werewolf , but then again I wasn't a very big human despite my strength. My icy blue eyes were the only thing that truly stayed the same, and looking into them was very comforting because it reassured me that even though I could morph into a wolf, I was still me. My coat was just as black as my hair, I could never understand why people thought that the coat would be different from the hair. Hair was hair, no matter what form. 

     I felt restless, and being a wolf there were few things I liked more than running. I stretched; I put my paws in front of me and shot my butt in the air. Yawing hugely, I took off. Into the forest, into my true home. 


     A few hours later I came back to the lake. The running had helped, it helped me to organize and clear my thoughts, as I had suspected it would. I also had had a nice lunch, since I missed lunch at school, and even though in human form a rabbit would have been disgusting, the wolf in me loved it. 

     I laughed quietly. Most of the movies were so dramatic, the people losing their rational thought and couldn't remember anything from being a wolf. Even though I was in wolf from, and had certain cravings for rabbits, I was still able to make proper decision and think for myself, and I could remember everything from the time when I was a wolf. I mean, did people think that our brain's change just because we change shape. Ugh, humans, so naive. 

     I curled up, and started to change back. It was always easier to change if your body parts were close together, standing on all four legs usually made you collapse once your front legs in longer supported you. Once I was me again I went to my bike and took my clothes out of the bag. I couldn't just go home naked now, could I. When I was once again dressed I glanced at my phone and noticed several missed messages, and they were all from Cory. Seven missed calls and 12 texts to be exact. Not good I thought sourly as I quickly looked through the texts.

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