Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

      I tripped on the ice on my way into the building. I barely had time to grab on to the hood of a random car door to prevent my fall on the ice, but I managed. I hated going to training. This meant that I had to stand still while the others beat me to the pulp. I couldn’t change, or even slightly phase. No, as the person with the lowest rank in the pack, I had to stay submissive. Being a werewolf isn’t a picnic.

     I glanced up at the old dusty building, sighed, and made my way to the pack headquaters. Well, it isn’t called a headquarters exactly but it’s the closets thing to one we’ve got. It’s a building in the part of town were nobody goes, which a good thing for us because we don’t want people to come prying. The house itself looks like any normal building, perhaps a dentist office some might think. Brick wall, old, but perfectly functioning doors and windows. “How thankful can one be that people judges books by their covers”, I thought as I went inside.

     “Hi, Joe”, I said.

     “Mm”, he muttered and pressed the button that enabled me to open the door. Most people don’t come here, but once in a while some very lost tourist will come and ask for direction, this made the small waiting room necessary. In this room there were two rather uncomfortable brown chairs, a small TV in the corner and then, of course, the desk where Joe sat. Joe was also another pack member with a considerably low rank, higher than me but low still. So he got the very important job of sitting in the “waiting room” for several hours, waiting for something that happened about twice a year. Joe is huge and bald, his eyes are a dull brown green and he looked like what I imagined an ex-boxer to be. Also, he isn’t bright, the complete opposite in fact, and so he is stuck in bottom.

     I went through the doors and into what was the real reason of this building. The pack’s headquarters. Of course, it isn’t called that, doesn’t really have a name, but I like to think of it as the headquarters because this is we have all of our pack information as well as a training center. The room is open, with pale grey walls and a pale wooden floor, except for the floor in the training center, which has some sort of padding like floor.  Looking at me, sorry, glaring at me was Nick. Tall, blond, big and pack leader. He has a strong jaw, and very sharp features. He has this cold look in his dark eyes, like someone who would kill you without a moment’s hesitation.

     “And just where have you been?” Nick barked at me as he came stalking towards me. I stared at the floor, not daring to look up. Without me telling them to do so, my shoulders hunched forward, desperately trying to make myself smaller and show Nick that I wasn’t a threat. An idiotic response, but one that was automatic. 

     “School,” I whispered, in such a low voice that not many would be able to pick up. Nick was now looming over me when he said,

     “Speak up.”

     “School,” which I said with more force.

     “Well, you’re late. Again.”

     “Hey, it’s not like I can come and go as I please. Besides, they’d tell my dad if I missed class.” I said rather daringly. I wasn’t talking back or challenging him, I was defending myself, but he could decide just as easily that I was being disrespectful or dominant and then I was in for a world of pain.

     “Well, we wouldn’t want daddy to find out about you now would we?” My dad didn’t know about me being a werewolf, which is exactly how I want it to be. He had enough troubles with being dumped by my mom and working 28-hour shifts at the hospital. The fact that his seventeen-year-old daughter could turn into a wolf was one burden I was not prepared to land on him. Besides, I could figure out my own problems, I didn’t need to hold my dad’s hand every step of the way.

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