Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

     After leaving Will’s place at an acceptable hour of ten, I came home to my dad passed out on the couch, as per usual. After dragging him upstairs, I took care of the minimal amount of homework I had, and fell asleep in my chair… healthy.

     I had just woken up – with my neck hurting like a bitch – when I walked down the stairs in my clothes from yesterday.

     Putting on the coffee, I grabbed a carrot from inside the fridge, and nosily began munching on it.  It is quite peculiar, really, how sounds become so unfathomably loud in the mornings.

     About ten minutes later, I was walking up the stairs and came face to face with my dad.

     “Morning,” I mumbled, looking down at the coffee in my hand. 

     “Morning – um, how did I get upstairs?”

     “I helped you, Dad, like I always do.”

     “Sorry for that, Tammy – I know… I know.”

     “Do we have to do this every morning?”

     “You know what, we don’t… I’ll stop.”

     “Famous last words mean anything to you, Dad?” I asked him, stalking my way to my room.

     “Watch it,” he told me sternly, before walking down the stairs, presumably to the kitchen. What amazes me most is the fact that he has the energy to go up and go to work in the morning, after all the Jack Daniel’s he consumed last night. 

     After getting dressed – ripped jeans and a too-big black t-shirt – I hear a honk that raised my heart-rate a few notches.

    “Who is that, Tams?” my Dad bellowed from downstairs.

     “Just a friend,” I yelled back, grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs. To my utter horror, my Dad had opened the door before I had a chance to. 

     This cannot be happening.

     “Um, morning, sir,” Will said, looking just as shell-shocked as I felt.

    “Morning – um, who are you?”

     “I’m Will – a friend of Tammy’s.”

      “Really? Because I know all of Tammy’s friends, and I’ve never heard about you before.” 

     “He’s a new friend, Dad, and you don’t know all of my friends,” I said rather harshly, before taking my boots in one hand, whilst taking a hold of Will’s arm and dragging him out.

     “You haven’t even put on your shoes, Tammy,” Will exclaimed.

     “I’ll do it in the car.”

     “Um… okay." 

     We both climb into his too-comfortable car, and I began to put on my shoes as he drove away from my house.

     “So… that was your Dad?” Will enquired.

     “Yep,” I muttered, popping the “p”, whilst simultaneously looking out the window. Discussing my deadbeat dad wasn’t exactly the best conversation to have with a guy that you may or may not like.

     “He seems nice.”

      “Ha! That’s nice bullshit for you to say – I mean, that’s nice of you to say… you don’t like ‘swearing.’" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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