Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

     The next morning I woke up to the wonderful smell of coffee, but that still didn't stop me from being disorientated. It took me a few seconds before I realized that Cory and me had probably fallen asleep on the couch.  

     "Cory", I called out hesitantly.  

     "In the kitchen", she shouted. When I entered the kitchen, I saw her making coffee and toast. Not so shocking since werewolves took the phrase "make yourself at home" literally, and, besides, pack's family. Cory was already dressed in a white t-shirt and blue shorts. Her ever-perfect hair was in a high ponytail and when I glanced around her I saw that her bag was already packed and by the door. I stood still and listened out for a moment, and sure enough, Dan's car was about two minutes away. 

     She walked over to me and gave me a coffee cup, she then said, "There's more coffee for your dad, and he came home about thirty minutes ago. I made some toast that you should eat, and since I couldn't smell anything unusual last night I'm leaving you to go and spend the day with Dan". 

      She walked over by the door and put her shoes on. With the bag in hand she walked over to me and gave me a quick hug. 

      "I'll see you tonight", she said once she had let me go. Oh crap, I thought, tonight was another pack night. We usually met twice a week and since Nick worked Sunday's, we always met on Saturdays. 

     "See you!", I called when she ran to Dan's car and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Life sucks all the time for everyone, but at least some people have someone to complain with.

      I ate my toast, not bothering to put anything on it, and took a gulp of my coffee. Toast and cup in hand, I walked up the stairs to peer into my dad's room. The blinds were down, although this didn't affect me much, and my dad was lying across his bed, above the covers, in black pants with a white-blue striped shirt paired with a black tie. I sighed, a long heavy sigh, and went into the room. I put my coffee down on the counter of the wardrobe and then shook him awake.

     "Huh?” he muttered unintelligibly. 

     "Dad, come on, you can't sleep like this".

      Finally fully, or at least semi-fully, awake, my dad's consciousness kicks in and he looks about the room, seeming surprised to find me there. I pull him up and he responds, and in the end pushes himself of the bed. 

     "Dad, you should take a shower and I'll go get you some coffee. Ok?" I ask hesitantly. 

     "Yes, yeah".

     "You don't need help, do you?" I asked sarcastically, trying to hide the worry I felt for him. He couldn’t always take care of himself properly.

     "Oh, for Christ sake just go and make some coffee will ya", my dad nearly shouts at me.

     "Oki dokie", I say as I walk of his room. I stay by the door, though, and listens as he goes into the shower and changes the heat. Cold shower, huh? Only when he starts to shampoo his hair, do I walk downstairs. Dad once fainted in the shower, out of pure exhaustion, and it was not an experience that I would care to repeat. Dad would always bury himself with work, he couldn't stand being in the house alone with me now that mom left, it made him depressed, and sometimes it would come back and bite him in the ass.   

     It was kind of sad, really. That my dad couldn't be in our house without either being piss drunk or tired to the point of fainting. I sometimes wanted to yell at him for it. For not understanding that he wasn't the only one mom abandoned. I knew he did feel bad for being the way he was, and he apologized constantly, but the thing is I don't want a thousand empty apologies. I just want a promise from him that he will stop drinking and avoiding me. I actually want him to talk to me.

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