Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

     When the probably most annoying sound woke me up, I swore.

     "Shut up," I moaned and hit my alarm clock. It crumbled under my hand and broke.

     "Shit" I said as the glass cut my hand. I pulled my hand against my chest and then carefully watched the wound heal before my eyes. I could never really get over the feeling of astonishment as the cut closed itself up and only the blood was left. Well now I have to shower, although I'd already sort of planned on doing it anyway. I got out of bed and for the first time in weeks opened my blinds. The dark forest outside had always been something of a conundrum for me. So beautiful yet deadly, my mom always said. 

     I turned around and looked at my room: it was a mess. Clothes everywhere, on the black beanbag on in the corner of my room, on my chair, on my desk, on my bed, on my floor. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if there were clothes on the lamps, or even on the grey walls of my room. Sighing, I started to put all of my clothes in the laundry basket and then, once finished, left it by the door. I pulled of my white tank top and undies and also put them in the basket.

      I then headed to my bathroom and walked into the shower. The water was cold, but I enjoyed the cool water running over my sleep-heated body. It relaxed me. I could never really enjoy a hot shower, I always became overheated and uncomfortable whenever the water was too warm, and I'd leave the shower sweating. 

     I hopped out of the shower and pulled a towel around my body. I then went to the mirror to put on some make-up. I stared into those icy blue eyes and felt revulsion. Why couldn't I just look like one of those girls in my class, why couldn't I look friendly? There was nothing inviting in those cold eyes, and the pale skin and pitch-black hair didn't make me look any more affectionate. It had the opposite effect, in fact. 

     I went into my room without putting on any make-up, I didn't have anything to hid. Well, I had nothing to hid that make-up could cover up. I glanced into my wardrobe and gave an exaggerated sigh. Of course all of my clothes had to be in the laundry. Wait, there's still hope. I found my black skinny jeans and pulled them on. Now, there was only a decent shirt and bra left. I grabbed a plain black bra and put on a grey t-shirt. I went over to the mirror to look over my outfit. 

     Yeah, I'll do.

     The thing about being a werewolf made you fit, and I had probably lost a lot of pounds over the past few months. So much that my dad had commented and forced me into yet another lie. I couldn't even remember what I'd told him, but what ever it was it had at least gotten him off my back. I could really see the ripples of muscles underneath my shirt and jeans, and sometimes it was a little annoying to have guys comment on my strength. No guy would want to be with a girl who was stronger than him. Plus, my body figure didn’t exactly scream sex appeal. I was pretty tall, but I had the physical shape of a child body, barely any hips, no curves anywhere, and a small chest.

     "Stupid testosterone fueled idiots", I muttered. There weren't any of the guys who could handle being beaten by a girl when it comes to strength.

     Pulling on my socks, I went out of my room and bounded down the stairs, where I came to a halt. Yeah, my dad had had a very bad day at the office. He was in our dark brown couches, a bottle of whisky in his hand, TV on, and he was asleep. I hated it when my dad had bad days. I went into the kitchen and started to make some coffee. He was going to have a huge hangover and if he wanted it to be over before work, coffee is what he needs. 

     As the coffee started to pour down into the coffee pot, I sat on the dark granite counter and waited. I had always liked our kitchen; it was the nicest place in the house. The dark clinker floor, the dark wooden cabinets and the lovely dark wooden table by the window with matching chairs. The stainless steel appliances fit in perfectly and there was even a dishwasher. The kitchen was too big in my opinion for just two people, but it's so lovely that my objections to it are half-heartedly. 

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