Chapter Ten

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Larota was walking through the streets. She needed air. Was her plan really good or just dumb? She couldn't just spend the night with Raphael letting him pleasuring her and got away with the wedding, right? It wasn't fair to play with his feelings. It had to be another way before Leonardo came back to pick her or some of their Clan members find out where she went.

Suddenly a chain clenched her. A jerk and Larota was pulled away from the street. Just seconds before the truck hit her. Larota looked after it in shook. She could have been dead. Sure it would save the problem with the wedding, but this was one option she won't took.

"I believe that you can watch yourself, but I'm worried anyway." The Nightwatcher untied her from his chains. Holding her close to get her back to reality.

Larotas hands went from his chest to his helmet. Trying to get it off him, but he grabbed her hands. Making her stop.

"Am I not allow to see the face of my saviour?" Larota tried to look disappointed at him. She was really curious who would dressed like this by choice.

"Miss, you will be disappointed." Raphael still hold her hands. Groping her palm of her hands with his thumbs.

"How about you blindfold me? I wouldn't see your face and you could have your reward." Larota looked smiling at their hands. "And by the way it's Larota not Miss."

"That's an idea." Raphael dragged her along. To April and Caseys apartment. They got inside. Larota asked nothing and Raphael was glad that the two love birds were still on vacation.

Nightwatcher blindfoled her eyes. Pretending to punch her in the face to make sure she really didn't saw anything. Then he took of his helmet. Put it on the window sill of Casey and Aprils apartment.

"And what is my reward?" Raphael took her hands in his. Even without the gloves her hands were smaller than his. He had to fight against the thought to kiss the back of her hand. It could revealed him.

Larota groped across his arms to his shoulder. Then to his neck and finally to his chin. She began to smile when she ran one finger over his lip. Raphael smiled back even he couldn't saw her beautiful eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Raphael froze for a second. He hushed himself when he realized his bandana didn't touched her.

She leaned in and he did it like her. Wrapping his arms around her waist. Their lips touched and Raphael felt a explosion in his stomach. A feeling he never felt before. To soon were the kiss over. His heart still beat in a race. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her again. His tongue asked for entrance to her mouth. She gave it to him. Making them french kiss. They pulled away gasping for air.

"Wow." Larota groped her lower lip with her fingers at the point were Raphael bit her. Her smile grew bigger than ever before.

"How about a level up?" Raphael felt the boner again. He didn't wanted to do something with her she wasn't ready for or she just didn't want to do. But he wanted more. Wanted all of her. Just for one time. Without regretted it later to never done it.

"I'm all yours tonight." Larota crashed her lips into his again. Feeling the butterflies or whatever it was in her stomach again. She couldn't get enough of this feeling.

Raphael picked her up bridal style without breaking the kiss. He managed to get to the bedroom without knocking something down. April would kill him if he broke a valuable thing. The ninja put his lover gently on the bed.

"No peaking!" He commanded while getting off his armour and the rest of his ninja gear.

"But I want to take off my mask. The knot hurt." She complained after she had finally took off her ninja gear too. Leaving her mask and the blindfold around her.

"Close your eyes." Raphael crawled over her. Took off the blindfold and undid the tail tie. Starring at her for seconds. He really wanted to look at her golden eyes, but he blindfolded her again. The risk was too high for him.

Larota pulled him closer. French kissed him again. Turning him on more as he already were. He touched her. Began to kiss her collar bone again. Her stomach. Went back to her neck. Nibble her skin.

You can't do that. She is the fiancé of your brother. You just use her to take revenge on Leo.

He stopped. Did he just tell himself he is attracted to her, because she was able to belong to Leonardo? The only reason he wanted to bang her that Leonardo would remember that Larota could think about his hotheaded brother who get inside her first while Leo pleasured her?

They don't even know each other. You desire her. Give her the love she deserves.

Larota pulled his head down to her again and kisses him. He closed his eyes. There was just the female turtle on his mind. Nothing more. This wasn't revenge. The feeling he felt was guilt, but when both of them wanted this, then why shouldn't it be?

Raphael lowered himself to her. Pushing her legs gently apart and thrust into her slowly. She gasped while he groaned in pleasure. He kept going thrusting back and forth. Faster. Deeper. Harder. Larota moaned in pleasure. Leaving love bites on his neck. She never knew how good it would feel to have a member inside her tights. Raphael felt that her walls get tighter after a while. Before he noticed what was going on he already came into her. Filling her up. After a moment he pulled out and laid down beside her. Both of them tried to catch their breaths again.

Now I understand what Casey meant all the time. I love it!

Larota cuddling up to him. Laying her head on his chest to hear his heartbeat. Falling asleep soon. He was tired too, but he couldn't get to sleep now. Not like this. She wasn't stupid like Michelangelo. She would knew what was going on.

With a heavy heart he pushed her gently to the side. He put back on his mask and collect their gear from the ground. Putting them in a gym bag. At least he picked Larota up bridal style again. She began to mumble in her sleep.

"Raph? Is that you?" Larota had found the crack in his plastron shell with her hand. Her eyes were still blindfolded. Still half asleep.

"Don't worry. I will bring you home." Raphael couldn't resist, but kissed her on the head. Hoping she wouldn't remember it later.

"Thanks, Raphie." She began to smile and cuddling up to him again. Soon only his heart beat and her breathing was heard.

The sun already began to rise when Raphael finally arrived back to his home. He laid Larota gently down on his bed and put the blanket over her. He took off the blindfold and her gear on the ground. A last look at her and he went to the couch to get some sleep too.

Red or Blue? - A TMNT love storyWhere stories live. Discover now