Chapter Three

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Since hours Leonardo walked in the woods of Japan. He was hungry and tired. When the sun settled down he decided to pitched his bivouac.

He grabbed the packet marshmallows out of his bag and lit the campfire up. One limb he carved with his swords until it was sharp. Leonardo ripped the packed open and put some marshmallows on the stick.

The blue bandana turtle sat down and watched the marshmallows getting burned. Feeling the loneliness taking over him. When he closed his eyes he could even heard the voices of his brothers. Imagining sitting here with them.

But they weren't here. They would never sat at a campfire together ever again. Not when Leonardo didn't find out how to fix his broken family.

When he ate enough Leonardo put the fire out and laid his swords beside him. Watching the stars he could spot while laying on his back. His hands were folded on his plastron. He didn't even noticed when his eyelids fall down and welcomed a dreamless sleep.

Leonardo opened his eyes. His bones hurt from the hard ground he laid on. He needed some minutes to get up. His head hurt like hell. Like if someone knocked him out before, but he couldn't remember.

I will never take my bed for granted again.

He packed his things up. Ate something. Ready to continue his journey. Leonardo searched for his swords, but they were gone.

I could swear I just laid them next to me...

His thoughts were interrupted by a sword holding up to his throat. Leonardos gaze went to the offender. Just a mutant like him. Not exactly like him. This turtle was female and looked not very amused about his presence. Since when she stood there?

"Madam, I would be very pleased if you could take my sword down." Leonardo tried to think how he could get out of this situation without getting serious harm. If someone else would have attacked him, he would know how to react, but it's seemed like his brain just forget how to fight or even defend himself.

"You aren't in the position to take demands! First of all you tell me who you are and why you are here!" Her voice sounds like bell-ringing to him, but her words were sharp like the blade of the sword she was holding.

"My name is Leonardo and I'm on the trip to met my future wife." Leonardo noticed her grey eyes circled by her cyan bandana. Rare and deadly gorgeous. He forced himself to look away. He needed his rest brain capacity to not get killed.

"It's not the right time to make jokes, Leonardo. I ask you what you do here and want an serious answer." Venus hold the blade closer to his throat. Knowing that she stressed him even more witch every inch.

"Madam, I really didn't want to be impolite, but I didn't lie to you. As prove that I say the truth I can show you the letter from Master Furuji." Leonardo hold his bag towards Venus. Slow enough that she didn't got frightened. Fast enough that she noticed the movement.

"Just one wrong move and I'm the last thing you saw before you die." Venus lowered the sword and took a step backward. Still observing every move from him. Ready to end his life any second by now.

"It wouldn't be the worst thing my eyes saw." Leonardo opened his bag and began to grubbed in it. He really should take care in with order he put his things in it.

Did I say that loud? Why did I even think this? I don't even know on which side she is.

Leonardo began to blush, when he realized his pronounced thought. He had to admitted to himself that the Kunoichi was very pretty, but she also was the only female mutant turtle he ever met. It was impossible to have a crush on her. He wasn't his brother Donatello or Michelangelo who fell in love that fast.

He finally found the letter and gave it to her. Hoping that she hadn't saw his red cheeks. It was awkward for him. He was about to marry someone, he wasn't allow to catch feelings for someone else. Even if it felt so good just looking at someone and your brain stopped working. But it was wrong. He promised sensei to marry the woman he select for him. Just what if the turtle right in front of him was the one he was going to marry? Than it would be good that he caught feeling for her, right?

"You must be the son of Hamato Yoshi. Sincere condolonces for your lost, sir." The kunoichi bowed in front of him to show him her respect and bring him back to reality.

Leonardo didn't heard what she said and bowed in politeness too. He thought she offered him truce and he took it.

"Follow me. I will bring you to Master Furuji." Venus turned away from him and rest the blade over her shoulder on her shell. Not looking back to him just start walking.

"Can I have my sword back?" Leonardo took the letter back in his bag and closed it again. He had to run to catch up to her with her fast walking.

"No. I keep it as pledge! In case you lied to me." Venus grinned at him for a second as he sighed about her respond. She knew that he wouldn't stole it from her. Not as long they both traveling, but when one of them were in danger.

Red or Blue? - A TMNT love storyWhere stories live. Discover now