Chapter Twenty-Four

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Raphael growled. He didn't even was able to see her until he got caught by some Ninjas. Getting him down with darts and chains like a wild animal. Stealing his suit from him. They were prepared.

The food he didn't eat. He wasn't sure if it was clean and he was able to survive some days without eating something. The bars were too thick. He already tried to bend or broke them with his strength.

I really should have kissed her when she left. Told her that I love her. I miss her. Damn that night. I should have already told her already that it was me who spend it with her. I hope it is not to late and she will forgive me my lie.

"Raph, are you here?" Leonardo wasn't sure to get under the ground without an other exit. He was ready for everything.

"Leo is that you?" Hope rises again in him and he stood up. Trying to see something in the dark valley.

"Give me some minutes. I can't see my hand in front of my eyes." Leonardo tried to find the flashlight and finally get some light in the hidden basement.

"Some minutes more or less doesn't really matter. Did you meet Lara?" Raphael didn't had to wait long until Leonardo appeared in his sight. He was captured in one of the first cells.

"No, but Vee is searching for her." Leonardo managed to open the lock and let Raphael out of his cell.

"Good to now that it was only the weak one who visited her and not one of you." In his tone of his voice you could hear what Jakena thought about the other two turtles. They were not worth to even to look at.

"Come get here and fight like a man and not like a crybaby. Stop using your tricks to stop us or are you scared to lose?" Raphael stepped in front of Leonardo and he let him.

"So big words for such an empty mind. Courage you really have that I have to admit, but IQ is not really your friend." Jakena stepped out the shadow and finally showed himself.

Raphaels fist landed on his face. Making him look in another direction. Ready to punch him again. He saw his face before and he was pissed. His anger rises again inside of him. He took his first love away from him. He would not took Larota too.

Jakena laughed evil while his head turned back and spit out some blood. His eyes glowed red. "That is all you got, asshole? Even the cunt hit harder than that."

"I just started, jackass!" Raphael growled and let his anger flow inside his body. Consuming his empathy.

He began to attack him without thinking. Without a pattern. Just wanted to hurt him.

First Jakena was able to dodge his hits and also hit him some times, but the longer the fight took he was clearly who was a better fighter of them two without his tricks. And even when Jakena tried to get in  Raphaels mind with his manipulated words he couldn't reached him. Raphael had one goal and that was to make him suffer.

One punch after another went on Jakenas body. Letting his shell crack and broke when he was pushed against the wall. Revealing his true self. A salamadriner like Mona, but without his tail.

He was able to slip between some punches under Raphaels arm and press him against the wall. Blood was all over his body and the parts where the injuries were couldn't be seen.

"You stole G' from me in the first place, but I was able to took her back. Do you know how much it hurts to be with her and knowing you had her first? I don't even want to marry her. I just want her privilege of the army. Nothing more. Just more soldiers for me. And then took G' as my queen on the throne." Jakena spit the blood out again that ran into his mouth. His eyesight also was shorter, because of the blood.

The red bandana turtle took that second, getting out of his grip and knocking him out with a last punch letting him fall down like a heavy statue.

He looked to Leonardo who just stood there and didn't stopped his anger outburst. "What?"

"Venus send me a message. When Larota not get to marry that guy or me today she will get executed." Leonardos expression went dark.

"What? Who make this rules? Let's get her out of this shit Clan and take her home." Raphael couldn't believe that Leonardo didn't already working on a plan.

"You don't understand Raph. The Clan is filled with intruders. Even if we get her out she will be death sooner or later if she doesn't follow the rules. Do you really want to be on the run for the rest of your life?" Leonardo looked at him curious.

"Than we follow the rules my way. Knowing they exist, but searching for a weak point to bend them. When we don't find a way you marry her." Raphael crossed his arms being serious.

"I don't want to marry her." Leonardo looked dispice at his younger brother.

"Do you think I want that? But when this is the only way to keep her alive, then we have to deal with it. And I don't think that Venus will be a bitch about it. She is way too kindhearted for that." Raphael looked one last time at the unconscious or dead body of Jakena to make sure he didn't would stand up any second.

"Yes that is true. I still can't believe that the girls were all this years here and we didn't had a clue. I am glad we meet them. Let us bring them home." Leonardo start to walk away from that body and Raphael went after him without complaining.

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