Chapter Five

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Leonardo sighed. He really hoped that he wasn't about to walk straight into a trap. Some feeling inside of him warned him about her, but another voice told him that he could trust her.

Sensei I really hope you knew what you took me into.

After a while the blue bandana turtles arrived at Furujis institute for Ninjas and Kunoichis. Leonardo was impressed. He never saw so much fighters at one place. Perfectly hidden for those who knew nothing about them. Not even the FootClan was this organized.

"When your are already just excited about the outland then how will you react by the train halls inside?" Venus grinned at him. She found it funny how easy it was to make Leonardo look reverent around.

"You have train halls?" Leonardos eyes light up. He even began to imagine himself to train in these halls. Fighting against other traditional fighters and become a better fighter then he was already. He loved it here.

"And rooms for meditation. A library filled with old and new scripts about fighting skill, magical objects, science and more. An armory. Labors and medical facility." Venus looked at the sky while trying to remember the things Leonardo could find interesting. "And more than I can't remember now."

"It's like a dream come true." Leonardo smiled. He never thought that he wanted to live somewhere else like home. Somewhere else without his brothers.

"Isn't it standard for a Clan?" Venus looked confused at him. Sensei mentioned that their were smaller Clans beside them, but how small could Leonardos Clan be?

"We're just four brothers. The other halftime members have their own Clan or their own priorities in their life. Beside we didn't have so much room like you do." Leonardo sighed. There were not just brothers. There were friends. Always staying by his side. Trusting each other. He began to miss them again.

"You came from New York, right? We're do you hide from all this humans?" Venus had do research about him. Just in case Larota needed them. Or she needed them to bring Larota and Leonardo closer. But without Larota around it was difficult to form even a friendship between the two.

"We life in the sewers, Madam." Leonardo look at her to see how she reacted by this disclosure. He met persons who were disgusted by even imagine it and he didn't want that she thinks that he is disgusting.

Venus raised a eyebrow at him and questioned his honesty again. But he had the letter from Master Furuji. Maybe she just hit him too hard at his head.

"Venus? Who is this man that you bring with you." Master Furuji came over from a group of students to the two turtles. He leaned himself on his stick while walking.

"Hamato Leonardo. He got lost in the woods where I found him." Venus bowed at her sensei. Leonardo simulate it quickly.

"Didn't I told you that the woods are forbidden to you?" Furuji was strict about his rules and didn't like it when they weren't followed. He always gave the rule breaker a punishment.

"You told me a lots of things that only I am not allow to do." Venus glared at her sensei while crossing her arms. It was so unfair that he treated her differently from the others. She always tried her best, but the best was never enough.

Leonardo noticed her anger and tried to calm her down. He put a hand on her shoulder like Splinter always did it to him and his brothers.

"And you do them anyway. That's not how to take orders work!" Furuji looked angry at her. When she would learn that rules are made to be followed not to be challenge them.

"How should I follow your orders when you not know how to command right!" Venus whiped Leonardos hand from her shoulder and went away. Not wanting to continue the argument with sensei as long the blue bandana turtle was with them.

"I have to apologize for her behaviour. She was always the weakest of her team and she didn't want to accept that her body needs more rest than the others. Always when she got something into her head she is willing to get over her limits, but it's not very healthy for her." Furuji looked after her with a shaky head. He just wanted the best for her.

"She seemed like someone who knows what she wants. There is nothing wrong about it in my opinion." Leonardos thoughts drifted to his sister. She was a freethinker too. When he got her to change to be a little less evil then maybe he could made the female turtle more calm.

"Yoshi wrote me that you are a very sympathetic personality. I like that. I hope that it will helped you with my granddaughter. She is not the easiest to handle." Furuji began to walk and Leonardo followed him.

"Your granddaughter is very beautiful, Sir, and I feel that under her feisty attitude is someone very lovely who forget to let someone love her." Leonardo had a feeling about it. Like a sixth sense. The same feeling he had about Karai.

"For her you need more then luck. I hope for you that you are patient enough to get through her shell and show her what a gently man you are." Furuji placed a hand on his shoulder. Showing him the trust he had in him.

"I will try my best, sir." Leonardo bowed at him, before Master Furuji leaved him. His father gave him this opportunity and he would make him proud. Whatever it takes!

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