'That saint Pottah boy'

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I was sitting at the breakfast table staring at the food on my plate that was left over. Draco's father and mother were having a discussion and I didn't even cared for overhearing it. I was completely focused on my thoughts. Maybe Harry will find out that I'm here and he comes to get me out? What if Draco's father then finds out his son dates a half-blood, or worse a Potter.

But then they got my attention at hearing his name. "They say that saint Pottah boy is probably going to Azkaban for using magic outside of school again. They are tracking him right now but they have no clue yet" Draco's father said. He then looked over at me. "And you. Did you have any contact with that scarhead?" He asked me with one raised eyebrow. I nervously shook my head no. I saw Draco looking at me in the corner of my eye. He then looked at his father with a blink of fear in his eyes.

"And you....Draco?" He asked his son strictly. "No, father" he answered. "Well, okay. I hope they catch him soon" he said. My hands turned into fists. I had to force my self not to punch him right in his cocky face. My face suddenly changed to a angry look. Draco who was sitting next to me pinched me in the stomach. I looked over at him and then relaxed again. If it wasn't someone I had to spent time with the rest of Christmas break, I would've kicked him all the way to Azkaban where he truly belonged.

After breakfast I told Draco I was going to do some Christmas shopping. He asked if he could come with me, but I declined and explained that he would already see his present if he came. He really couldn't come as I was actually going to see if Harry was alright. I owled him first that I was coming. I got a picture from my bag of the Weasley house with Fred and George wearing their Christmas hats from last year. I took a deep breath and then apparated.

A Mysterious Connection (Draco Malfoy Love Story) 12 +Where stories live. Discover now