Let the journey begin

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I opened my eyes and looked around. There it was, the house from the picture. I quickly ran towards the door and knocked. "Who is there?" A scared female voice asked. "It's me, Elizabeth Potter". I heard someone walking towards the other side of the door. "Come in dear!" mrs. Weasley said while opening the door for me. I walked in as I observed the small cosy room. "You have a lovely house, mrs. Weasley" I said while turning to face her. She smiled slightly at me. I could see she wasn't in the mood to smile. It was like she was scared of something.

"Are you okay mrs. Weasley?" I asked worried. "Y-Yes, I'm fine" she answered. I could tell she was lying. "So, where is Harry?". Her sad look suddenly changed into a sympathetic look. "I-I don't know dear" she answered. My heart dropped in my stomach. "W-What?" I asked in disbelief. "The ministry is after him. He decided we would no longer be safe with him around. He could be anywhere" she said while holding back tears. "A-And Ron and Hermione are with them. My dear Ron!" She said now letting a few tears escape her eyes. I walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "It's going to be okay mrs. Weasley. I am sad too. But we are not going through this on our own, we're going through this together" I said not trying to make things worse and also cry. "Your a very strong girl, Elizabeth" she said with a shaking voice. I patted her back. "And you are a very strong woman".

We sat like that for a while. After all the crying I decided I wanted to find him. "I am going to look for him" I finally said. Mrs. Weasley looked up at me. "But dear, that's way too dangerous!" She said with a very concerned face. "I would do anything for Harry". I really had no idea how I was going to do this. but one thing was sure, people we love were going to get hurt.

A while later

I was busy collecting clothes I could lean from Ginny since I didn't had time to go back to Malfoy Manor. Mrs. Weasley was making some food I could bring on my journey. I was sad that I wasn't going to see Draco for a while. He also had no idea where I was. Well, he now thinks I'm shopping for Christmas presents. If I wasn't overloaded with emotions I would've laughed at that. Shopping for Christmas, or Christmas at all, was the least of my worries right now.

"It's ready" I heard mrs. Weasley yell from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I said while swinging my bag over my shoulder. Before turning around to go the downstairs I looked over at Ginny. "Thank you Gin. I owe you big time". "Of course, no problem!" She said with a slight smile. We both walked down the stairs.

"Thank you so much for everything, mrs Weasley" I said to while hugging her for the last time. "Be very careful, my dear. You never know who you run in to" she said with a concerned look on her face. I nodded and said goodbye. They waved at me walking into the forest behind their cosy house. "Tell Ron I love him!" Mrs. Weasley yelled at me before I was out of sight. "I will!" I yelled back even though she would probably not hear it.

It was already dark and I had been walking for a while now. I decided to take a break and I sat down against a tree. I had gotten a map from the Weasley's that Harry left behind. He wrote something on some places so I decided to go search him there. I had been at one place already, but had found nothing. Then suddenly my scar on my hand began to hurt. It was the same as Harry's but then on my left hand.

A couple of days went by and I had still found no clue of Harry. I was very tired because I didn't have much sleep. I thought about Draco a lot. He must be so worried. Maybe he even thinks I'm dead! After a few hours I reached the last place circled on the map. I looked around but still no good news. I gave up. Finding Harry wasn't as easy as I thought. I had been walking through the forest for so many days that it felt like I knew every single spot there. Then where could Harry be? He most definitely didn't go back to the Weasley's since he didn't want them to be in danger. I decided to just go back to Malfoy manor since my search was done here. I first ate the last sandwich left in my bag and drank some water. When I had enough strength again I apparated.

A Mysterious Connection (Draco Malfoy Love Story) 12 +Where stories live. Discover now