My first school day

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After dinner I went to the library to catch up with some reading. When I just wanted to open my book I noticed Hermione sitting at a table reading a old dusty book. I looked over trying to see which book it was. She then noticed it and walked towards me.

"Hello Liz" she said with a fake smile. Anger started building up in my body. "Look Hermione, It's not my fault I got in to Slytherin and it's not that bad" I spat at her. She then looked in my eyes with anger and stormed out the library. Jeez what's her problem. I then ignored what just happened and started reading my book.

After it started getting a little late I decide to go back to my room. When I walked in I saw nobody in the room yet. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my book again to read just one more chapter.

After a phew minutes. I heard a noise and looked up from my book. I was shocked by what I saw. Draco Malfoy with only a towel around his waist.

He looked at me and awkwardly grabbed his clothes. "Bye" I said awkwardly sitting on my bed. He closed the door of the bathroom again and I let out a sigh of relief. Still progressing what just happened.

Not even two minutes later he came out of the bathroom (dressed thank god). He went to his bed which was next to mine and started laying down.

He was facing the ceiling and after a minute he turned his head to me. I just stared at his blue eyes waiting for him to say something. He stared back at me with a little smile. "I love your blue eyes" he said to me. I blushed and turned around to get away from the awkward staring moment.

I felt his hand going through my hair but he stopped as soon as he heard our door open. I identified the boys as Grabbe and Goyle. They walked towards their beds and also started laying down. Draco was the closest to the light switch and turned the light off. "Goodnight" I said politely. "Goodnight" I heard from behind me. I saw Draco smiling and gave him a short smile back before turning around again.

next morning

I woke up and felt something touching my leg. I turned around and was shocked to see Draco laying next to me. I quickly woke him up.

"What do u think your doing?!" I spat at him with confusion. He smirked at me and said "I had a nightmare and decided I didn't want to sleep alone". I stared at him still confused. "Well you should have run to your momma" I teased him. He gave me a glare and said "well you should complain about it at ur momma!".

A tear escaped my eye. "Are u okay?" He asked me after noticing the tear falling down my cheek. "My mom is dead" I told him. "Oh.." he said with regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry" and he grabbed my hand. "It's okay. It's not ur fault" I told him. He looked at me and smiled.

"What's so funny?" I asked him. "Nothing, u are just so beautiful" he said while squeezing my hand a little. I blushed again and tried to change the subject. I quickly stood up and said "I'm sorry I have to go now".

I went to the bathroom to wash my face. My eyes were still a little red from crying. I got dressed and then put a little make-up on. When I got out of the bathroom Draco was gone.

I walked to the great hall to get some breakfast. On the way there I accidentally bumped into Harry. "Hey!" He said to me. "Hey Harry" I said. "I'm sorry we ignored you yesterday. I just was still a little overwhelmed about what happened" he apologized. "It's fine, but I think Hermione feels differently" I told him. He sighed and walked away while waving at me.

I walked to my table to get breakfast and noticed Draco not being there. I looked around the hall but still no clue of him. I was a little worried but figured he could just be in a bathroom.

I sat down and looked next to me. I saw a girl with dark hair who was eating like she was kept in Africa for days. I ignored it and started grabbing some food.

After I almost finished my food someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked who it was and saw the dark hair girl staring at me. "Hello?" I asked her. "Hey, you share a room with Draco right?" She asked me with a arrogant look. "Yes, so?" I asked her back waiting for her to comment something. "Well he is mine. So don't think about stealing him!" She said while raising one eyebrow. I looked at her confused and then decided to just ignore it.

When I was done eating I walked out of the hall. I paused with walking to look at my schedule. 'Potions class 1st period' it said. I looked at the clock and rushed to the dungeons. I had never been here and had only five minutes to find the class. I walked passed all the rooms searching for the potions class. Finally I arrived and was just on time. I sat down and the chair next to me was empty.

Not a minute later Draco came storming into class. "Sorry professor" he said and silently walked towards me. He sat down next to me and gave me a wink (Again!). The girl with dark hair sat behind me and I could feel her angry eyes in my back.

soon after professor Slughorn started teaching. "But before we begin..." he looked at me finally noticing I was new in his class. "...everyone will receive a partner" he continued. "Your partner will be the person sitting next to you" he told us. I looked at Draco and saw he was smiling. Then he noticed me seeing it and stopped. We went on with the lesson but after the lesson was almost over I heard my name. "Elizabeth Potter?" I looked at professor Slughorn with wide eyes. Draco didn't hear it because he was still busy making the potion.

I quietly walked to professor Slughorns desk. "Yes, professor?" I asked. He looked at me and said "I heard you were new at Hogwarts so I want you to take a test in this room after your classes are over. It's to see what you know and what you don't. Dumbledore asked me to give it you. It includes all the classes we teach here at Hogwarts. But don't worry it's not that hard as you might think". "Oh, okay professor. I will be here" I answered. "I think you will do great. Well your a Potter of course" he said. I nodded my head. "You may go to your seat again miss Potter" he said to me. "Okay" I answered before I left.

Draco noticed I was gone. "So what was that about?" He asked me with a frown. "Oh school stuff" I simply answered and went on making the potion.

After a few classes I looked at the clock in the hallway. I had 20 more minutes before I had to make the test. I decided to read a little in the library. When I walked in I saw her again. It looked like she was looking for something. I walked towards her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey Hermione, I'm sorry for yesterday" I apologized. She looked at me and accepted my apology. "I'm also sorry" she then said. She gave me a hug and then asked me about my day. After chatting with her I looked at the clock again. Uh oh. It was almost 3:30 pm. I said goodbye to Hermione and rushed out of the library.

When I arrived at the classroom professor Slughorn was already waiting for me to arrive. "I'm sorry" I told him. He frowned at me and later pointed at a table. He gave me my test and told me all the rules. I nodded and started writing.

A while later

A Mysterious Connection (Draco Malfoy Love Story) 12 +Where stories live. Discover now