A unexpected twist

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I heard someone's  footsteps coming towards me. I turned around excepting to see Draco, but it was Harry looking at me worried. "What?" I asked. He gave me a hug but quickly pulled me away.

"So I heard what happened". I looked at him with confusion. "What? How? Wait what?" I asked him still figuring what exactly he meant with that. "Look Liz, I am not to judge, but as your brother I want you to be safe. Draco Malfoy surrounding you is not exactly safe".

Before he could shoot another comment at me I shook my head. "Harry. You should not try to protect me all the time it's annoying! Besides, I told him to back off. I don't need him in my life. He keeps insulting my friends and I'm sick of it!" I snared.

I felt tears filling my eyes again. I tried to hide the tears falling down my cheeks, but Harry saw them and wiped them away. "Okay" he simply answered. Then he walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

At dinner I looked around searching Draco. I mentally slapped myself for doing it, but deep in my heart I was worried. I couldn't see him anywhere. I asked a couple of his friends if they suspected where he was, but they shook their heads at me. I didn't really feel like eating so stood up to go to my room.

On my way back I heard some noise coming from the astronomy tower. I was overthinking it for a second, but gave in and walked my way up to the tower. Before I walked in I hid behind a wall to peek who was in there. I saw a lock of light blond hair and froze for a second.


I waited for a response when I heard him also saying my name. I was eye to eye with him. I saw that he had cried and walked over. "Are u okay?" I said with instant regret. Why was I even here? I didn't care about him anymore. He shook his head and sat down against the wall. Struggling with my emotions I decided to sit next to me. "I'm so sorry" he started. "It's just..." I looked at him waiting for him to finish his sentence.

He looked in my eyes and gently smiled at me. I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I tried to hide my face but then he put his hand on my cheek. The touch of his hand send shivers down my spine. His skin felt cold, but soft. My warm body mixed with his body felt like jumping in a pool on a hot summer day. I curled my lip by the realization he was getting closer to me.

Our faces were so close I could feel his breath against my face. He then brushed his lips against mine. Shivers went through my body over and over. My brain told me to stop, but my heart told me otherwise. I wanted him to get off of me, but on the other hand I wanted this to never end.

He slowly reached for my hand squeezing it a little. His other hand pressing against the back of my neck. I knew it was wrong, but on that moment I couldn't think straight. When he was about to put his arm around my waist I backed off.

"I can't sorry" were my last words before leaving the tower.

I was running through the dungeons to get to my room. When I came there I sat down on my bed trying to not let a tear escape my eye. I thought about what Harry said. I also knew that Draco Malfoy was up to no good. But was he really  that cruel to act like he loved me? I tried to not think about him and fell asleep with the thought of our quidditch game tomorrow.

A Mysterious Connection (Draco Malfoy Love Story) 12 +حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن