
mrs. lee paced back and forth inside the living room, biting her nail anxiously. she also tried to call her son but always got rejected. the motherly instinct in her awakened, she could sense something bad was happening. in addition, what was making it worse, she knew this had something to do with carlos because every time she tried to call him, he also rejected the call. coincidence? mrs. lee didn't think so.

she was snapped out of her thought when a loud banging on the door was heard.

"donghyuck is that you--" 

she backed away a little when she saw.. "m-minhyung?"

mark breathed heavily. he didn't have the time to ask why donghyuck's mother knew about him but he was confident enough to assume that carlos was the one who told her, knowing the secret affair they both had.

"mrs. lee i don't want to ask how do you know i'm minhyung but listen to me, your son is in danger," mark informed with a worried look on his face.

she widened her eyes, gasping as she covered her mouth, "w-what happen to him?! tell me where he is right now?!" she shook mark's body.

"donghyuck is held hostage by wong carlos. we can help him out with one condition," mark sighed.

"what is it?" she asked, crying.

mark explained to her the whole thing that carlos wanted. just like what she had expected, carlos did want the company to himself. the same dirty thing he did to mark's family before, killing mark's father in order to take over his company but failed.

"we need to act fast mrs. lee," mark told her with a stern voice as they were both inside her office that was located upstairs.

mrs. lee focused on searching the related document in her laptop. "i have to print it first."

mark nodded and while waiting, he let his eyes roamed around the room. he stopped his track when he saw a framed photo of the family, mr. lee, mrs. lee and little donghyuck who was smiling brightly. mrs. lee watched him staring at the photo.

"do you still hold a grudge against our family?" mrs. lee asked abruptly that made mark's body tensed.

mark chuckled sadly, "what do you think?"

"you love my son, so i guess not anymore."

mrs. lee felt bad at the naive male in front of her. he still thought that it was her husband who murdered his father. now things between her and carlos were fucked up. should she just tell the truth?

she was about to open her mouth and tell him the real thing but she found the document. without thinking further, she quickly printed the agreement after editing some parts. "i got it, let's go."

"wait, i don't think you should go with me," mark stopped in front of her while taking the paper from her hand.

she made a confuse face but shook her head, not agreeing. "no, my son's life is on the line. i need to see him okay? i don't care how dangerous it will be."

mark rubbed his face in frustration as he followed her running downstairs and went out of the house.

the ride to the place was tense. mark had read where it was located; an old factory sited on the outskirts of seoul. mark just hoped that everything went well. he secretly informed his people to keep an eye at the building, armed with guns. 

"is donghyuck okay?" mrs. lee questioned, clutching the paper against her chest. 

mark bit his lip as he sighed, holding back his tears. "carlos shot him at his shoulder."

mrs. lee let out a shaky breath, finding the information was too much that she felt like throwing up. she felt stupid for trusting carlos, for helping him with illegal things. but most importantly, she felt like a total loser for choosing carlos over her husband, covering his action and played along with it until now.

however, it was never too late to tell minhyung and she still had time to do so.

"minhyung, there's something you should know," she muttered quietly.

mark glanced at her quickly before returning his gaze back to the road. "what is it?"

"actually, carlos is the one who killed your father."


|to be continued|

this book will come to an end :)

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