Chapter 12

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Okay so before the chapter I just want to a very happy birthday to my best friend Bhumi! I miss you so freaking much.

Love you bb, this ones for you(;



"Horan, your ass is on the line."

"What, are you too chicken to do it?" I mock. She rolls her eyes.

"If I die you die with me."

"No way I'm going on that thing."

"Fine, you can just stay down here and I'll go up there and flirt with the hot life guard on duty."

I tense, she knows what she's doing.

"Fine. I hate you." I growl. We start up the millions of stairs leading to the humongous slide.

"Turn that frown upside down." She chirps, poking my cheks. I keep a straight face, well I tried. It turned into a giggling session after a little while.

Giggling is fun with her. Judge me.

"How weird am I on a scale of one to 10?" Milee asks me.

I fake sigh. "Sweetheart, there isn't a scale when it comes to you."

She hits me in the chest. "Just answer the question, dork."

"Um...7. What about me?" I reply. She makes that face signaling she's thinking. I love that face.

"Definitely 10."


"I speak the truth." I look over and see a amused smile prancing on her lips.

"How hot do you think I am?" I ask casually. She eyes me up and down a couple times before answering.


"Why not ten?" I frown.

She shrugs her shoulders an laughs. "Maybe you should be a little tanner, more abs, and then I'll reconsider myself."

Does she really think that?

"Niall, I'm joking. Please don't take that to heart. I'm sorry I won't say anything like that every again." She recovers. I still can't help but feel a little sad.

"Um..what about me?" She says. We still have a long way to go before we reach the slide at the top. Maybe I should make my move now.

I smirk and push her up against the wall. She gasps from the quick and sudden movements. my hand rests next to her neck whilst the other one on her waist. The feel of her skin on mine is enough to shoot sparks through me.

We're only inches apart.

"You're so fucking hot, the sun doesn't even know what he's up against." I whisper into her ear, our cheeks brushing. She starts laughing.

"I love that!" she points at me. "So fucking hot the sun doesn't know what he's up against, eh?"

I blush, really hard.

"Damn it, sorry I.. uh.. didn't mean to ruin.. the uh moment." She apologizes. She's such a dork, and I love it. "Continue." she whispers.

I smile. Moving slightly so our lips touch, the cage of butterfly's finally break free in my stomach once again.




One moment, we're being wimpy and not going on the huge slide, and the next, Niall has me up against the wall of the slide, sucking my lips..

That sounded weird.

"Erm, we should uh..h-head back. They might be waiting" I stutter. I don't really know what to say after my ex boyfriend just kisses me out of no where. Maybe he does have feelings for me.

He stares at the ground, shuffling around. "Yea." I can tell he's smiling and I love that fact.

On the way back to the pool area where everybody is, we didn't talk. We just stared at the ground, occasionally sneaking quick glances at each other, which made us blush even more than we already were.

Finally reaching the pool area, I run over to Liam and Zayn, careful not to slip.

Zayns head lifts and he looks confused. "Why are you guys back so early?"

"Uh..some of the slides are um..out if order." I made up an excuse.

He looks at me suspiciously but doesn't question it

"Where's Niall?"

"Why so many questions?"

"I'm curious as to what just happened between you too." He smirks.

"Nothing happened." I lie.

"Mhmmm." He hums.

"Shut up." I say, jokingly and annoyed. "Hey, why are you wet? I thought you can't swim." I notice that his shorts are soaking. Zayn is literally scared of water, so I know he wouldn't be playing around in the water.

He sighs. "Eleanor, kinda pushed me into it."

I gape. She knows he can't swim. "That little skitch!" I scream, crossing my arms while looking over at her.

Zayn laughs. "Skitch?"

"Skany bitch. Skitch."

His mouth forms an o shape, nodding his head as he understands.

"Ugh, I'll be right back. You might wanna see this." I smirk and walk towards where Eleanor is tanning. She crossed the fucking line this time.

"Hey Eleanor! Wanna play a game of Turtle with Niall, Liam and I?" I cheer and fake smile. She lowers he shades and eyes me up and down like I'm a piece of trash.

"No, I don't wanna get wet."

Well, you got Zayn wet so fucking deal with it.

"Oh, pretty please?! Zayn can't play because he's afraid of water and cannot swim." I emphasize the last part. Still, she just rolls her eyes.

"Just one game and then you can go back to reading fashion magazines."

She let's out an exasperated sigh. "Fine." Eleanor grumbles.

I motion Niall and Liam over here and explain what we're doing.

I actually take in how hot Niall looks without a shirt and with swim trunks on.

I mean, the world already knows how hot he is.

But damn.

"How do you play Turtle?" The skitch speaks.

Well, this is where I lie and the plate of payback is served.

"Well the object of the game is to see who can get to the other side of the pool, the fastest. However loses is the skitch! I mean Turtle, not skitch. I don't even know what a skitch is." I explain. I hear Zayn chuckle from behind me.

Eleanor nods her head, "Okay, I'm a really fast swimmer by the way."

"I bet I'm better." I smile and joke.

"Let's see who's better." Eleanor challenges. I get in position and give Niall and Liam 'the look'. They nod and Zayn starts the count down.


I take a step forward but don't dive into the pool. Liam and Niall stand on one side of me, completely dry. I do hear a big splash beside of me though.

Eleanor comes up to the surface.

"Whoops! Guess you are a better swimmer.." I fake smile and sashay away, leaving Eleanor wet and gaping at me.



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