Chapter 10

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I quickly put on some trunks and a tank top and wait for everybody else to get ready. It seems like ages since I've been to a waterpark.

"Hey, Micheal's asking if you wanna do anything today?" Louis yells from the kitchen. Oh right, I forgot that they were on tour with us.

"Who is this Michael you speak of?" Milee questions, braiding her long hair to the side.

"This band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, open for us on tour. consisted of Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, and Michael Clifford. Really cool lads." Liam explains. Looks like everybody's about ready to leave. I don't want to be mean, but I don't want them to come with us to the waterpark. I know the lads will be all for it and maybe Milee and Isis will too, but I'm barely hanging onto that thread of Milee becoming my girlfriend again, and Ashton and Calum are cheeky ass players.

"Can we just..not go with them..?" Milee asks. Yes Milee, yes.

Liam's the first to speak,"Why wouldn't you want them to come?"

"I came here to spend sometime with you guys, not them. That might sound mean right now but after this day is over, you'll be praising me." Milee smiles.



I was sitting in the car when I realized something. "How are we going to get you guys into a water park without getting mobbed?"

Harry answers, "We called ahead of time so they closed the park off for us."

Isis and I look at each other and slowly nod in understandment. Forgot about that.

"Oh rght, the perks of being famous." I playfully mock. I totally forgot that they get to practically do whatever they want. Luckys.

"Yeah. You should try it sometime." Liam smirks.

"What would I even be famous for? I can't sing. I can't dance." I say, "that's usually what people get famous for nowadays."

"Your funny and you can play sports. Maybe you should make YouTube videos." Zayn suggests.

"Naw, I really want to play guitar though."

"I can teach you!" Niall suddenly says from somewhere. Wow, the alliteration is overwhelming.

"Okay leprechaun." I smile.

He frowns. "I grew 2 inches since you've seen me last. I'm not a leprechaun anymore."

"Your still the shortest in the group. I'm taller then you!" I point out.

"Oh yeah?"


He huffs in annoyance. guess it feels bad to be the short one.

"Guys we're here." Louis calls from the drivers seat. I've noticed that when Louis needs to be an adult, he acts like one. He still does his responsibility's but is childish at the same time. He's going to make a great dad someday.

After we get out of the car and pay for our tickets to get in, which took a whole session of arguing because I wanted to pay for myself but the boys wouldn't let either I or Isis do that, we finally reach the beginning of the water park.

"I'm going to go change in he locker room." Isis says and I agree and follow her.

"Soooo, you and Zayn?"

She rolls her eyes while trying not to smile, "you already knew we were together."

"I know, but I want details!"

"Okay." She sighs before continuing, I think I'm going to be meeting his family soon. I'm really neevous and I don't know what to do or think and I'm losing my mind-"

I clamp my hand over her mouth, "Stop talking. Just breath because you have nothing to worry about."

"Yes I do, Milee. What if she doesn't like me?"

"Are you kidding me? Your beautiful and smart, I don't know how both of them wouldn't love you. Stop putting yourself down like that."

"Okay, whatever."

"Yea, okay. Now come back out before Zayn thinks you've died and comes into the bathroom." I laugh, she does too and we exit the bathroom.

"Guys, look!" Louis squeals. We walk over to where he's standing and I notice a girl standing with him.

"Hey Milee! Hi Isis!" The girl says. That voice, I've heard it before. Before I can reply, she lifts her floppy hat above her head. It's then when I recognize her.

None other then Eleanor Calder.



She be my queen, her walk is so mean, and every jaw drops, when she in those jeans

Alright. Alright.



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